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Q: Compared to other biomes why doe the ocean biome support more or less biodiversity?
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Which biome would have the highest biodiversity?

On Earth there are many biomes, and all of them have biodiversity. However, the rainforest biome is the one with the highest species diversity.

Which are the two biomes with the most biodiversity?

The Main Water Biome & the Tropical Rain Forest have the greatest biodiversity, Rain Forest being the greatest. All this means is that these two biomes have a great amount of plant and animal species.

What are the main biomes in Nevada?

The main biomes of Nevada are the desert biome and the forest biome.

The tundra is the coldest of the biomes having extremely low temperatures and little precipitaion what other characteristics would be expected of this biome?

Extremely limited biodiversity.

What determines the type of life a biomes can support?

What determines the type of life a biome can support is the amount of sunlight, the temperature, and soil. All of these factors decide what type of life is in a biome.

What are the biomes of Illinois?

Freshwater Biome , The Forest Biome, and The Grassland Biome.

Fish in marine biome?

Fish are a part of the marine biome. There are two forms of marine biomes: fresh water biomes and salt water biomes.

Which biome type contains the greatest diversity?

Biomes:TaigaTundraGrasslandDeciduous ForestTropical Rain ForestDesertForests have hidden within them many undiscovered species and thousands of potential medicines to cure illness. They also have the ability, like marine and freshwater biomes, to buffer the climate.

What are sharks biomes?

Sharks biomes are ocean biomes. A biome is the habitat that something would be found in. In this case talking about sharks, the biome is the ocean since that is the habitat that sharks are found in.

What biome is France?

There are three major biomes in France. These include the Mediterranean biome, the Alpine Tundra, and the mountain forest biomes. These regions can be subdivided into man-made and natural biomes as well.

How does temperature and precipitation affect biodiversity in different biomes?

Temperature influences, and in many cases determines, the characteristics of each biome. Temperature causes certain plants to grow and certain animals to thrive, and these plants and animals define the biomes and create the ecosystem.

What are crickets biome?

All biomes exept the tundra biome. The tundra is too cold and dry for crickets to survive. They do best in grassland biomes.