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There are lots of them. The most common is any type of rash. And, also anything that is undetermined and looks suspicious. Even something simple as a mole, can be a potential health problem if it exhibits certain abnormal characteristics. Refer to the ABCDE's of identifying malignant melanoma.

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Q: Conditions of the skin that are contraindicated for massage therapy?
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How does massage therapy help skin conditions?

Reduction in the formation of excessive scar tissue following soft tissue injuries; enhancement in the health and nourishment of skin.

Those with what kind of infections should not have massage therapy?

Infectious diseases, contagious skin conditions, acute inflammation, infected injuries.

What are the 3 types of contraindications In Massage therapy?

embolism, fevel, lice, and contagious disease would all be absolute contraindications, while strains, sprains, broken bones, and open wounds would be local contraindications.

What lubricant is applied to the skin during massage therapy?

The massage therapist may use an oil or cream, which will be absorbed into the skin in a short time.

Under what circumstances is massage not safe for most noncontagious skin conditions?


Can facial massage cause side effects?

Facial massage may irritate and worsen such skin conditions as acne, psoriasis or eczema.

What did a study show about the impact of massage therapy on the elderly?

Another study showed massage therapy produced relaxation in 18 elderly subjects, demonstrated in measures such as decreased blood pressure and heart rate and increased skin temperature.

What is the fundamental medium of massage therapy?

The fundamental medium of massage therapy is oil or lotion. These substances are used to help the therapist's hands glide smoothly over the skin, allowing for deeper, more effective manipulation of the muscles and soft tissues. Oil or lotion also helps to reduce friction and discomfort during the massage. Massage therapists may use a variety of oils or lotions, depending on their personal preferences and the needs of their clients. Some common types of massage oils include sweet almond oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil, while common lotions used in massage therapy include shea butter and aloe vera. In some cases, massage therapists may also use specialized creams or gels to target specific conditions or areas of the body.

What are some medical conditions treated with low level laser therapy?

"Medical conditions treated with low level laser therapy are sinus pain, back sprains or strains, knee sprains or strains. This type of therapy is also used to treat skin conditions."

Focus on the affected areas from what diseases should be avoided in massage therapy?

Rheumatoid arthritis flare up, eczema, goiter, and open skin lesions.

Would you give a facial to a client with psoriasis?

According to "A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology" massage on lesions during an acute outbreak may aggravate the situation by stimulation circulation in an area where too much activity is already taking place. Psoriasis ia a local contraindication when itches or hurts, but otherwise is appropriate. Of course, it is necessary to ensure that no cracking of the skin could make the client vulnerable to secondary infection. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, it isn't contagious or spread by massage. Lymphatic drainage, PNF/MET/stretching, shiatsu are supportive. Deep tissue, trigger point therapy and Swedish are locally contraindicated. Reflexology is indicated.

How does massage improve skin and muscle?

Regular health massage therapy stimulates the skin and muscles. It increases blood flow throughout the body and helps promote tissue regeneration which in turn reduces scar tissue and stretch marks. In addition, it exfoliates dead skin cells and tones the skin, which encourages cell regeneration and assists in excreting waste products. The result is healthier, radiant and better-looking skin.