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The answer is -158.15 C (approx.). The Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero and is used in scientific laboratories. Celsius is for general use and set 0 and 100 as melting and boiling point of water respectively. To convert from K to C, subtract 273.15 from K.

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9y ago
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9y ago

The answer is 358.15 K (approx.). The Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero and is used in scientific laboratories. Celsius is for general use and set 0 and 100 as melting and boiling point of water respectively. To convert from C to K, add 273.15 to C.

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12y ago

The formula is: (x+273) Kelvin = x deg Celsius


85 deg Celsius = (85+273) Kelvin = 358 Kelvin

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14y ago
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13y ago

First you switch from F to C then C to K. So, 85F is 29.4C. To make celsius into kelvin simply add 273.15, 29.4+273.15=302.55K


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14y ago

Answer: 85 ºC = 358 K

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L0lZ r0fl PWn3d

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12y ago

85 C = 358.15 K

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Q: Convert 115 degrees kelvin to Celsius?
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What is 115 degrees celsius in kelvin?

Kelvin is the SI unit for temperature. Celsius is usually used in metric systems. 0 degree celsius is 273.15 Kelvin. Kelvin increases equally with celsius. So to convert celsius to kelvin, we just add 273.15 to celsius. The answer in Kelvin is 388.15

What does 115 degrees F convert to in Celsius?

The correct spelling is Celsius. 115ºF = 46.11ºC

What is 115 degrees F in Celsius?

115 degrees Fahrenheit=46.111 degrees Celsius

How much is 115 degrees Fahrenheit in Celsius?

115 degrees Fahrenheit = 46.1 degrees Celsius.

What is 115 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

To convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, multiply the number by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. In this instance, -11.5 degrees Celsius is equal to -11.5 x 9 = -103.5/5 = -20.7 + 32 = 11.3. Therefore, -11.5 degrees Celsius is equal to 11.3 degrees Fahrenheit.

115 Celsius is what in Fahrenheit?

115 degrees Celsius = 239 degrees Fahrenheit

What is 115 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius?

114 would be a 46 degrees in celsius

100 degrees Celsius is how many degrees in Fahrenheit?

Start by taking the number in Fahrenheit and subtracting 32. Then divide the number by 9, and then multiply it by 5. This is how you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius or use the equation C = (F - 32) × 5/9In this case, the answer is about 47.22 degrees Celsius.

How many radians are equivalent to 115 degrees?

Answer: 1 radian = 57.2958 degrees, so 115 / 57.2958 = 2.007 radians Answer: To convert degrees to radians, multiply by (pi/180).

How long could you survive in a 115 degree Celsius sauna?

115 degrees Celsius is hotter than boiling water. There gets to be a point when the word "furnace" becomes more appropriate than "sauna."

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The alcohol thermometer is used to measure temperatures from negative 115 degrees Celsius to 785 degrees Celsius. It measures the freezing point and boiling point of alcohol.

What is 100-115 degrees Farren height in celsius?

Subtract 32 and then multiply result by 5/9