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how can heat be turned into chemicals

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Q: Convert heat energy into chemical energy?
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What else does chemical energy convert to?

Heat & light energy during chemical reaction.

Muscles in your body transform chemical energy into?

Muscles in your body convert chemical energy into fat and heat.

How do you convert chemical to mechanical?

Coal is a chemical compound which contains chemical energy. To convert coal into mechanical energy, you use it (burn it) to produce heat and use the heat to boil water, the steam from which will drive a steam engine which delivers mechanical energy.

What kind of energy conversions taking place in lighting a candle?

When you light a matchstick, you convert the chemical energy in the matchstick to heat energy. This matchstick when brought in contact with the candle converts the chemical energy in the candle to heat and light energy.Chemical energy turns to light and heat.

Means of transport which changes chemical energy into kinetic energy?

Many engines do this conversion. For example, the engines commonly found in cars convert the chemical energy first to heat (by burning it), then convert part of this heat into movement (kinetic energy).

What device transforms stored chemical energy into heat energy?

A few devices that convert stored chemical energy into heat energy include: -- matches -- batteries -- candles -- cement mixers

Animals take in chemical energy from plants and other animals and convert it to what?

Animals convert chemical energy from their food to several forms of energy: kinetic energy (for motion) and thermal energy (for heat). They also store some of this energy still in the form of chemical energy.

When fuels are burnt the chemical energy changes to what?

When fuels are burnt first of all chemical energy changes to heat energy and sometimes to light energy as well. then we convert the heat energy into other usable forms of energy. For example, coal is burnt in thermal power stations to produce heat which is then converted to electricity. Vehicles convert chemical energy of fuels to heat and then use this heat to do mechanical work. The process of conversion is complex in both cases.

How does a dynamite explosion convert chemical energy to mechanical energy?

The chemical reaction causes heat, which causes the material to expand and result in an explosion.

After a caterpillar eats a leaf it can convert the chemical energy into energy to help it build a cocoon?

heat energy I hope this helped ^^

How do algae cyanobacteria and plants produce their own food?

They convert sunlight into chemical energy.

Do chloroplast and mitochondria convert chemical energy?

Chloroplast convert light energy. Mitochondria convert chemical energy itself