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$300 per grap seed

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Q: Cost of grapes in the 1930?
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If grapes are 1.70 a pound what will one and a half grapes cost?

what is the half of 1.70

What is the cost of grapes?

It all depends on what time of the year and the quality of grapes but they aren't that expencive ;)

A sandwich shop is ordering apples and grapes to make a chicken salad. Apples cost 1.25 per pound and grapes cost 2.60 pound. If they ordered a total of 20 pounds apples and grapes and paid 35.80, how many pounds of grapes did they order?

3.85 pound grapes

Cost of sugar in 1930's?

In the 1930's sugar had cost 50 cents a pound.

How much did gloves cost in the 1930?

They cost

One kg of grapes costs 1.20 aron picks up a bag containing 2.235 kg of grapesuse benchmark fractions to determine the approximate cost of grapes?

Grapes cost 1.20/kg

How much did a house cost in 1930?

The average cost of a house in 1930 was 7,145.00. The average income in this same year was 1,970.00. A new car cost 670.00.

What was a cost of a grand piano in the 1930?

Surprisingly, the cost of a Grand Piano in the 1930'S was about a grand ($1,000.00).

What era was Grapes of Wrath?

roman, they eat loads of grapes New answer. John Steinbeck wrote the novel in 1939. It was set during the Great Depression of the 1930's.

Why does grapes cost so much from tesco?

because Tesco is where most grapes come from and they want you to pay more for their freshly grown grapes.

Cost of a house in 1930?

The average price of a house in 1930 was $7145.00

How much did house cost in 1930?

The average cost of a house in 1930 was 7,145.00. The average income in this same year was 1,970.00. A new car cost 670.00.