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In a word, no. I have studied every piece of information on this subject for five years now, and I have never heard of that. Generally the idea is:

1. The child is over heated, either by too many clothes or blankets, or the temperature of the room. They say to put the child in a sleeper with the footies and long sleeves, and no blanket. They should be on their back, so the child's body can release heat from the trunk area. Keep the temperature of the room the same as in the rest of the house, i.e. if you're comfortable so is your baby.

2. A "rebreathing" child basically suffocates, either conventionally by something covering the face, or the child breathes in his exhaled air and suffocates that way (rebreathing). To protect him from this you can put the baby to sleep on his back so he doesn't rebreathe. Also, the mattress must be firm. There should be no blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, or loose sheets in crib.

There is a lot of controversy about sleep sharing (sleeping with baby). You could roll on top of the baby, and there are pillows and blankets in the parental bed -- some possibilities of SIDS occurring. But I also read a study years ago about a parent's breathing possibly making the baby fall into breathing sync, thus helping to ensure the baby continues to breath as long as you do. There may also be something about your breath blowing into their face when you are sleeping together, and it supposedly forces air in the child making him breath.

There are mattresses one could buy with a fan inside it that does the forcing of air for you. Someone once said sleeping on a slight incline, there for the crib wedge. Personally with my two, soon to be three, I put them on a good mattress, on their backs, kept the temperature comfy, nothing was allowed in the crib but the baby, and no smoking was allowed in the house (if anyone still does that, it may also be linked to causing SIDS).

I was probably a little extra cautious and woke up all through the night, and could not go back to sleep until I saw the gentle rise and fall of their tummy that meant they where breathing. I think being vigilent, and educating ourselves is the only way we can save our babies from this silent killer.

P.S. Learn how to do CPR, please.

Sids by definition is the unexpained death of a seemingly healthy infant. As I see your answer I can only assume you have never experienced sids as you do realize how insensitive this answer.

I have a two year old daughther and my son would have been three months. I did everything you are reccomending and I knew CPR to, infact we live across the street from the hospital from the moment he passed out we got him to a hospital and he still did not make it.

You are talking good preventions, but you have to be aware these are not the causes of sids. Sids can not be defined and in my research. SIDS CAN NOT BE STOPPED.

Your baby can not die from not burping enough, but I suggest for the mother or father who asked the question talk to your town's local coroner or police department. You may find more comfort their then when you Google. Everyone has their own opinions and it will drive you crazy and know you are not alone.

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Q: Could SIDS be caused by not 'burping' a baby?
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Can smoking cause SIDS?

Smoking doesn't cause SIDS. I lost a baby to SIDS in 2003 and I didn't smoke. There are remarks that it could be related but because no one knows what causes SIDS everyone just speculates.There is a strong correlation between parental smoking and SIDS.

How can you tell if your baby has SIDS or any signs of SIDS?

There are no signs to tell if your baby will pass to SIDS. SIDS is sudden & silent & unexpected. There is no way to tell until your baby is gone.

What happens to a baby skull after dying of SIDS?

It tends to fall out of the baby's head post-mortem. If you're not careful, you could lose it in the crib under a blanket after removing the baby.

What is the cause for SIDS?

SIDS basically translates as "your baby just died for no good reason we can find." In other words, if doctors knew the cause, it wouldn't be SIDS, it would be whatever the actual cause was.

When do you stop burping a baby?

Most parents stop burping their babies between 4 and 9 months old.

Are SIDS and apnea related?

SIDS is not the same as apnea. Many people have apnea and apnea has killed infants. Infants with apnea can be resuscitated. An apnea monitor (AKA cot monitor) can detect when a SIDS victim stops breathing � but remember, a SIDS victim is already dead when that happens. Note: Infants with apnea usually are placed on apnea monitors for apnea, not to prevent the unpreventable. And many SIDS parents do use apnea monitors on subsequent children � this has mainly a placebo effect on the parents. No, they are not. You can revive a baby that has apnea if it is not too late. A SIDS baby you can't revive. SIDS is undetectable and you never know when it will hit. With apnea a baby can stop breathing and start again. SIDS is totally different.

Does a baby's nose bleed after he has died from SIDS?

No a baby's nose does no bleed after dying from SIDS. It is as if they just drifted off to sleep. For the most part this is true, but there are times when, after death, blood does come out of the ears and nose.

What sids cause?

People don't know yet, but it has something to do with a baby on her stomach. Vaccine reactions cause a lot of the SIDS. Many babies cannot handle the toxins

Is SIDS caused by colds?

SIDS is not caused by immunizations. Most children get their immunizations at about four months which coincides with the average age. But children without immunizations also die of SIDS. Answer There is absolutely no medical evidence that SIDS is caused by getting your child immunized. SIDS is still a very new topic in the medical field but the most common ways to help protect your baby from SIDS is to place your child on their back when sleeping and keep all extra blankets, pillows and stuffed animals out of their crib. Immunizations are an important way to help protect your baby from several diseases that can be dangerous even deadly to them. Their systems haven't built up the immunity needed to fight infections. Answer Excerpt from: I have done extensive research on vaccines after almost losing my daughter from a severe reaction to the DPT vaccine. I truly believe that vaccines are in direct relation with Sids. Many children die every year or are severly damaged in some form from vaccines. The word has to be spread that they are very dangerous. I would be very interested in finding out from parents who have lost there children just how soon before they were given shots. Parents really need to research the facts on vaccines. You would be very surprised the actual facts of what your exposing your children to. PLEASE DO RESEARCH BEFORE YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO GIVE VACCINES. VISIT: Answer2: Much research is still being down to find the causes of SIDS, why a healthy baby just fails to wake up one day. So far contributing factors like smoking and the position of the baby has been linked to causes, but no one specific things has been said to be the cause of all crib death.

Why does your baby cry before burping?

because you fed it to many jack links

Are there survivors from SIDS?

No. SIDS stands for "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome", which is only diagnosed after the infant dies.

Can you make a baby spit-up by burping them to much?

Yes you can. Just give the baby light taps on his her back