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Yes, if Britain had given the colonies representation in Parliament , and not created the impression that they were levying taxes on them for spite, the outcome could have been changed. The main issue was the change in attitude following the French and Indian War. If good faith efforts had been employed, and both sides had just sat down, expressed their grievances, and come up with solutions, the outcome would have been different.

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Q: Could the relationship between England and her American colonies have been saved?
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One of the main problems between the 13 American colonies with England was the lack of Parliamentary representation which allowed England to impose taxes on the colonies. This grievance led to much despair and in some quarters anger with the English - Colony relationship. The political slogan in the colonies at the the time became " No taxation without representation".

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Let's just say it lead to the revolutionary war. ( not so good)

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Many features of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain existed. One of the strongest points of contention was the colonies resistance to paying taxes to Britain without proper representation.

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The colonies were ruled by the British until gaining their independence. All trade-able supplies manufactured in the colonies were then shipped to England or other places, and the funds were given to England.