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Most likely not. Yet, there are examples of non-ribosome mediated protein synthesis in some bacteria, e.g. the synthesis of cyclosporin by the Cyclosporin synthethase complex. But this is a very rare phenomenon, and besides these non-ribosomal peptide synthetases are ofcourse themselves synthesized by the ribosome.

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Q: Could there be an organism that has no ribosomes in its cells?
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What is the Ribosomes found in?

Cells are not found in ribosomes. Ribosomes are found in (eukaryotic) cells.

What are some organelles common the cells of most organism?

Vacuoles, ribosomes, nucleus, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Body

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Why do bacteria cells have ribosomes As in what do the ribosomes do?

The ribosomes in bacterial cells do the same job as ribosomes in human and animal cells; they are "sites of translation (protein synthesis)".

What job does the ribosomes have?

A ribosome facilitates protein synthesis (translation).

What is a function of a ribosomes in cells?

The function of the ribosomes in cells is to make proteins. Ribosomes are made up of proteins and RNA.

Are ribosomes in animal cells or plant?

Ribosomes are in both plant and animal cells.

Is the Ribosomes?

The terms eukaryotic and prokaryotic only apply to cells - ribosomes themselves aren't cells. Ribosomes are parts of cells, which can be either prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Why do cancer cells have ribosomes in them?

Cancer cells are fast multiplying cells. Ribosomes help in cellular reproduction. Hence Cancer cells have ribosomes to assist them in multiplying. Hope this helps!

What type of cell is ribosomes?

Ribosomes are organelles. All cells have ribosomes.

Are ribosomes found in prokaryotic cells?

Ribosomes are small organelles that can be found inside a prokaryotic cell.