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Yes you could be pregnant but you shouldn't of had a normal period. Best thing to do is see your doctor for a blood test.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if a pregnancy test two days before your period was negative but you feel sick and tired and have a bluish vagina and bumps on your boobs?
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What is the cause of having purplish nipples and bluish veins with a negative pregnancy test?

veins are naturally bluish, for the purple nipples.... consult a doctor!

What sign refers to a bluish discoloration of the cervix in early pregnancy?

Chadwick's sign

What is chadwick's sign?

A dark bluish or purplish-red and congested appearance of the vagina and cervical muscosa. This is an indication of pregnancy. Marcy

How do you spell blueish?

The word is spelled bluish. The "e" is dropped before adding the suffix "-ish".

Is it normal if your vagina is different colours?

yea, unless it goes green or blue From englishangel In fact one of the symptoms of pregnancy is that the vagina takes on a bluish coloration.

What does your cervix look like if you are in early stages of pregnancy?

The cervix sits higher, it becomes thicker and develops a bluish color, very early in pregnancy. It eventually opens so that the baby can proceed through the birthing canal and out of the mother's body.

What is the root of the word bluish?

Blue is the root word of bluish.

How do you use the word bluish in a sentence?

bluish means light blue

Which planets are bluish in color?

Neptune and Uranus are both bluish in color.

How does the suffix change the meaning of bluish?

Somewhat blue; as, bluish veins.

When was A Bluish Bag created?

A Bluish Bag was created on 1967-06-09.

Is bluish white an adverb?

No. Although bluish could appear to be modifying white as an adjective, bluish is an adjective and white could be a noun (a color) or adjective (colored).