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you should never read a pregnancy test after the amount of time it says in the instructions, some tests have something called an evaporation line that can appear as the test dries up inside after a couple of hours. your best bet would be to retest again in the morning, using your first urine of the day!


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8y ago
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16y ago

well when the answer in a preg test is a faint but pos..IT IS POS...if you look in the paper on the inside of the box it will tell you that there is a sertain amont of HCG hormone that in your urine. and what ever the amount that the pregnancy test can read in your pee it will show up wather you have a very large amount(the positive reading will come out very dark and clear) and a very low amount of HCG ( the positive reading will be very light and faint but still positive) when you are not pregnant your body will not have the hormone HCG if positive reading is there at all..make you r trip to the doc....CONGRATS

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15y ago

Yep. Get another test kit and try again. Make sure you read all the instructions about false positives.

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14y ago

Take another pregnancy test. I suggest buying one that is easier to read this time (a digital one) that says 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant'

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Q: Could you be pregnant if a pregnancy test was negative but when you looked at it a few hours later a second line was showing up lightly?
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