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some women do not even know they are pregnant until they go into labor. Mainly because their hpts came up negative or because their period showed up every month as normal. Though it is not a "true period" you can infact bleed around the time your period is due and be pregnant. As far as the milky fluid, It's possible. Only going to the doctor will prove other wise.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you have a milky like fluid coming from your breast but still getting period?
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Are you pregnant if your breast get bigger?

You could be, but it could be a sign that your period is coming. If you miss your period, take a test

Your breasts are sore and tingling are you pregnant?

You could be, however it could just be that your period is coming soon, or depending on your age, they could be growing. take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

On period but milk coming out breast?

on my period and milk leaking out my breast's.

What does it mean when your Breast are soreand still not getting period?

It may mean you are pregnant, however you should check it out. as it does not mean you are definitely pregnant.

Why i am getting all pregnancy symptom's before period but next day period is coming?

It's the same hormones as when you are pregnant and the body is set on getting pregnant but in the end it doesn't and bleeds.

Could you be pregnant if period is a day late you have breast tenderness and light cramping?

If you have had sex, then you can be pregnant. However, it sounds more like your body is getting ready to start your period.

My period is 7 days late and have white milky liquid coming from your breast?

Take a pregnancy test. It is possible that you could be pregnant. The white milky liquid could be colostrum, which is the first type of breast milk. However, it is unlikely that you would be getting that this soon.

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Does the period or breast make a women pregnant?

No it does not make a lady pregnant.

Can breast milk come out if you're not pregnant because you don't have a regular period and milk is coming out but a home pregnancy test was negative?

your prob prego

You had what you think was implantation bleeding about the 1st of feb then on the 6th of feb you started a very light period you're feeling sick and have fluid coming from your nipple?

This question was already, asked your not pregnant. Breast milk don't produce until the 8-9month. You're not pregnant and if you do have fluid coming from your breast it isn't normal and all it means is your hormones are out of whack and no you're not pregnant.

How long does it take to get pregnant again after pregnancy?

It all depends when you start ovulating again. You can get pregnant again without ever getting a period since the egg comes before a period. If you breast-feed your period typically comes back later.