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Creatine phosphate + ADP_______> creatine + ATP This is catalyzed by the enzyme creatine kinase.

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Q: Creatine phosphate functions in the mucle cell by?
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Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by?

Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP.

Which cell have creatine phosphate in them?

Creatine phosphate exist in muscle and brain cells.

Which groups of words are energy sources for muscles?

Creatine phosphate and ATP are both sources of energy for the muscles. Creatine phosphate is found in vertebrate muscle, while ATP can be found anywhere within the cell.

How does creatine phosphate supply energy for muscle contraction?

Creatine Phosphate cannot directly supply energy to a cell, instead, it stores energy released from mitochondria. Whenever sufficient ATP is present, an enzyme in the mitochondria (creatine phosphokinase) promotes the synthesis of creating phosphate, which stores excess energy in its phosphate bond.

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What part of cell membrane Is polar and allows the cell to exist in water?

Phosphate groups

What is the best selling creatine?

cell mass

Does smooth mucle cell have mitochondria?

probably because after all it is a muscle and they need energy

What is the function of phosphocreatinine?

It is an important source of energy, usually found in our muscles. Produces phosphate and creatine and releases energy used to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When split, ATP provides energy for muscle cell function.

Why is ATP better than glucose as an immediate energy source for cell metabolism?

Creatine phosphate is a better source of quick energy than glucose because in thermodynamic scale of energy potential Creatine phosphate is a super high energy phosphate compounds which has higher standard free energy of hydrolysis than that of ATP and can give its high energy phosphoryl group to ADP to generate ATP which is used to biosynthesis Glucose. so creatine phosphate stored in muscle is quick enery source to produce ATP than glucoe.

What is Creatine by Cell Tech commonly used to help build?

Creatine by Cell Tech is commonly used to help build muscle. They can be purchased from: My Protein, Powerhouse Fitness, Echo Supplements, Discount Supplements.

Which molecule is used by cells as an energy source?

Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) and Phosphate (PO4) are brought together by Phosphocreatine (Also known as PCr or Creatine Phosphate) to regenerate ATP. Phosphocreatine contains high energy phosphate bonds, much like ATP. PCr is not able to supply energy directly to a cell. Its main function is to store the excess energy produced from mitochondria in its phosphate bonds. PCr is made when Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is sufficient, and gives its energy to ADP molecules when ATP is deficient. Muscles quickly exhaust the supply of PCr, however, so the body depends heavily upon the cellular respiration of glucose to synthesize (not regenerate) ATP.