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critique any zimbabwean poetry that talks about the nyadzonia incident during the war of liberation

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Q: Critique any zimbabwean poem that has to do with the nyadzonia incident during the liberation struggle using the elements of poetry?
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A thoughtful examination of the strengths weaknesses purpose and elements of literature and art is known as a?

A critique; in some cases a review.

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Is it a copyright infringement to reuse magazine pages?

It depends on the type of use, and the content of the page. For the most part, using a physical page that you have on hand for decorative purposes, or as critique or education, should be fine (per sections 109 and 107, respectively). Copying a page is likely to be infringing, unless it is for critique or education. Some elements of the page may have additional protection, such as the text or photographs, and any logos and slogans appearing.

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They were pressured to be Christians by their masters, but incorporated African elements to their Christianity--for example gospel music. African American Christianity had many elements of what is now called liberation theology as African American Christians worked to free the slaves--many songs used themes from the Biblical Exodus, etc.

How do you critique a critique?

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What is the difference between a formal art critique and someone's opinion of a art work?

A formal art critique is centered around the concrete aspects of art. For example, a critique may focus on the time in which the piece was made, circumstances in the artist's life, specific genres, choice of materials, function (if applicable) and the message behind the art. An opinion will often operate from the likes/dislikes of the individual and has more room for abstractions. Ones personal preferences and instinctual reaction toward a piece of art cannot be argued or discounted. There is a third element that falls in between opinion and critique and that has to do with the analysis of an artist's life. The temptation to psychoanalyze dead iconic artists are often too strong to turn down. Some curators have attributed Pablo Picasso's 'blue period' to a period of sadness. Others believe that he was just trying a different style.