

DO they have special medicines for the organ transplant?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Many. They have special fluids which are flushed through the organs whilst they are being removed from the donor, to enable them to stay 'fresh' for longer. Also, they have a category of medicines called "immunosuppressants", which 99.9% of all organ recipients will use (permenently) after transplant. They are designed to prevent the recipients' antibodies from attacking the donated organ. This happens since the donated organ has different DNA to the recipient's body (unless the organ has been taken from a recipient's identical twin); when you implant different DNA into a person's body, the bodies' natural response is to try to 'kill it off', in a similar way to how a person's immune system kills of cold and 'flu germs. This reaction is called 'rejection', which can lead to failure of the transplanted organ. However 'immunosuppressants' are designed to stop organ rejection from happening, by making the bodies immune system slightly less efficient, so that it doesn't notice the new DNA. Immunosuppressants are quite effective at this.

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