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Q: Dangers of endometriosis while pregnant
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Could you have endometriosis if you already have a child?

Yes. Having a child does not protect you from endometriosis. While having endometriosis often makes becoming pregnant difficult for women, becoming pregnant will also reduce the symptoms of endometriosis. So, being diagnosed with endometriosis after having a child makes it rather difficult for your doctor to determine whether you had endometriosis prior to the pregnancy or if it became an issue post-pregnancy - especially if you were positively diagnosed with endometriosis shortly after giving birth.

Can a woman with edometrosis carry a baby full term?

Yes a woman with endometriosis can carry a baby to full term. Medically endometriosis can hinder the getting pregnant process. Consult your obstetrician about you level of endometriosis.

Does endometriosis have symptoms?

While many women with endometriosis suffer debilitating symptoms, others have the disease without knowing it.

Has anyone that has endometriosis ever gotten pregnant without treatment?

Absolutely. Endometriosis may cause infertility or difficulty with conception, but it does not prevent pregnancy in most women.

What are the dangers of endometriosis?

Endometriosis may lead to internal bleeding, breakdown of the blood and tissue from lesions and inflammations. Eventually, this can cause pain, infertility, scar tissue formation, adhesions and many other problems. You can always find more information related to Endometriosis on the link provided below. Hope i have answered ur query.

Can you contract endometriosis while on the Depo-Provera?

No. Endometriosis is when endometrial tissue spreads outside the uterus and it causes great pain when the woman menstruates, as well as from inflammation in between periods from where the tissue seeded itself. Depo Provera stops endometrial cells from proliferating, so while a woman uses Depo Provera, she will have very little trouble with her endometriosis. Depo Provera stops periods, which is helpful in endometriosis.

Do you have to go to doctor during pregnancy?

You should go to a doctor or midwife while pregnant there are so many dangers for you and the baby if you don't have medical help during a pregnancy

Umbilical hernia endometriosis?

Endometrial tissue lines the uterus. Each month, in tune with the menstrual cycle, the endometrial tissue thickens and is shed during menstruation. If you have endometriosis, it means that the same kind of tissue that lines your uterus is also growing in other parts of your body, usually in the abdomen. This can cause scar tissue to build up around your organs. Endometriosis may cause severe pain and abnormal bleeding, usually around the time of your period. Pain during intercourse is another common symptom. However, it is possible to have endometriosis and not have any symptoms. Endometriosis is a leading cause of infertility(inability to get pregnant). Often it is not diagnosed until a woman has trouble getting pregnant.

How do you know your pregnant when you have endometriosis?

The best way to determine pregnancy is always by taking a pregnancy test and seeing your health care provider.

What is endriomesis?

Endometriosis is a condition where the cells from the lining of the uterus grow in other areas of the body. This makes it very difficult for a woman to get pregnant.

Can you die from Endometriosis?

I have had Endometriosis for 6 years. And I have had 5 surgeries in relation to it. While Endometriosis is not a fatal disease, there are risks to your life with any surgery. A number of things can go wrong while on the operating table. The risks are greater if they have to fully open you up then if you have a laproscopic procedure done. I have had both which is how I know the answer to this. Before having any kind of operation done you have to sign many forms and your doctor should inform you that there are risks to any surgery, including one done for Endometriosis.

Can endometriosis be cured?

Yes , endometriosis can be cured , this is not a tough disease , if the suffers can take in the right drug , it can be cured within a very short time , the Fuyan pill is one of the best medications that I want to recommend to the endometriosis suffers , it can kill bacteria and promote blood circulation , the suffers can get the radical cure within three months . The suffers can get rid of the pain and they can be pregnant after three months' treatment . So , it is suggested that the endometriosis suffers should not do a surgery to cure their disease , taking the right med is the best solution for them . In the meantime , eating the healthy food and do not eat the spicy food , no smoking and alcohol at all . Endometriosis