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Transitional stage

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Q: Declining death rates due to increase food production and improved medical care while birth rates remain high is charaterisric of the?
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How do you increase production without much resources?

You can find suppliers to increase your production.

In travian how do you increase your wheat production?

Upgrade wheat production fields to a higher level to increase your wheat production

What is the effect of declining interest rate on employment GDP inflation and foreign sector?

Declining interest rate can have some effect,like increasing unemployement Rate,increase poverty.

What is the cause of the increase in population?

The increase in population is primarily due to factors such as improved healthcare, advancements in agriculture and technology, and higher life expectancy. Additionally, factors like declining birth rates in some regions and migration also contribute to population growth.

When quantity supplied and quantity demanded increase due to improved technology what happens?

An increase in technology will cause a shift in supply curve due to lowered production costs. This increased supply will put downward pressure on prices, driving up quantity demanded.

What are the other causes of an increase in supply?

improved technology

How are subsistence farming and illiteracy connected?

An illiterate farmer may have no way of learning improved crop production techniques to increase his yields, so he ends up being stuck as a subsistence farmer permanently.

How to increase or improve the factors of production?

how to improve factors of production

A nation can increase its production possibilities by?

A nation can increase its production possibilities by improving labor productivity. More industries can be created so as to increase the output level.

What would lead to an increase in the increase in the inflation rate?

Rapidly rising production costs

What demographic stage is Peru in?

Stage 3 because of the declining death rate and the major increase in medical technology