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reduce the chance of false identification.----apex

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Q: Defference between direct sequential and index sequential?
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Differentiate between Direct Access and Sequential Access methods?

the difference between them is that direct access, such as a DVD allows you to go directly to a specific piece of data using an index, whereas sequential access is when data is chronologically stored on a VCR tape or Magnetic tape, you must go through all the data before you reach the data your looking for.

Difference between Index File and Index Sequential file?

index file is organized with the help of any key as index number at rondomly but index sequencial file organized with the help of any index sequentialy rajesh patel

What is difference between sequential file and index file?

the index file is more sicurity checked and contains more information about the acess . for example An indexed file is a computer file with an index that allows easy random access to any record given its file key.The key must be such that it uniquely identifies a record. If more than one index is present the other ones are called alternate indexes.The COBOL language supports indexed files with the following command in the FILE CONTROL section. however a sequential file isA file that contains records or other elements that are stored in a chronological order based on account number or some other identifying data. In order to locate the desired data, sequential files must be read starting at the beginning of the file. A sequential file may be stored on a sequential access device such as magnetic tape or on a direct access device such as magnetic disk. Contrast with random-file.Read more: sequential-fileContent of sequential file can't be accessed directly while index file content can be accessed directly through pointer. Sequential file is time consuming in comparison with index file.Example: Index of book - index fileExample: Bundle of plates - sequential file

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Difference between direct sequential file and index sequential file?

Explain the difference between sequential and direct file access.A. Sequential access to data is used when the data has to be read from the start, in sequence. It is the normal method of access for magnetic tape. Direct access is used when it is possible to jump directly to a file or data item without reading through all the items stored before it. This is the normal method used for hard disks.

Differences between index and direct test?

The indirect test is one that you might find out about while researching. The direct testis what you are looking for.

File accessing techniques in data management system?

Information is kept in files. Files reside on secondary storage. When this information is to be used, it has to be accessed and brought into primary main memory. Information in files could be accessed in many ways. It is usually dependent on an application.Sequential Access: A simple access method, information in a file is accessed sequentially one record after another. To process the with record all the 1-1 records previous to 1 must be accessed. Sequential access is based on the tape model that is inherently a sequential access device. Sequential access is best suited where most of the records in a file are to be processed. For example, transaction files.Direct Access: Sometimes it is not necessary to process every record in a file. It may not be necessary to process records in the order in which they are present. Information present in a record of a file is to be accessed only if some key value in that record is known. In all such cases, direct access is used. Direct access is based on the disk that is a direct access device and allows random access of any file block. Since a file is a collection of physical blocks, any block and hence the records in that block are accessed. For example, master files. Databases are often of this type since they allow query processing that involves immediate access to large amounts of information. All reservation systems fall into this category. Not all operating systems support direct access files. Usually files are to be defined as sequential or direct at the time of creation and accessed accordingly later. Sequential access of a direct access file is possible but direct access of a sequential file is not.Indexed Sequential Access: This access method is a slight modification of the direct access method. It is in fact a combination of both the sequential access as well as direct access. The main concept is to access a file direct first and then sequentially from that point onwards. This access method involves maintaining an index. The index is a pointer to a block. To access a record in a file, a direct access of the index is made. The information obtained from this access is used to access the file. For example, the direct access to a file will give the block address and within the block the record is accessed sequentially. Sometimes indexes may be big. So hierarchies of indexes are built in which one direct access of an index leads to info to access another index directly and so on till the actual file is accessed sequentially for the particular record. The main advantage in this type of access is that both direct and sequential access of files is possible.

Implementation of index sequential file organization?

Indexed sequential file organization. =In indexed sequential file organization, the records arestored in sequence according to a primary key and an index is created to allow random access of the file. This type of organization also allows the file to be accessed sequentially. Indexed sequential is the most commonlyused type of file organization. writer-k.k.b -montanna

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What are the differences between sequential file organization and direct file otganization?

A sequential file is accessed one record at a time, from first to last, in order. Each record can be of varying length.A direct (or random) file is accessed in any order, by record number. Each record must be of identical length.A sequential file might look like this, with records separated by commas:bear,skunk,moose,fish,alligatorA direct file with the same data would look (something) like this:bear_____skunk____moose____fish_____alligator

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