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This is a type of policy that defines and reflects social values and upholds governmental principles. These type of policies tend to have no tangible effect on people and typically have involves little or no money. One example is the law to have in God We Trust us our government motto.

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hat kind of policy which have no tanjable effect on people

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Q: Definition of symbolic policy
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What is symbolic public policy?

It is like rules.laws. Acts. Everything that is not material. For example rule "say no drugs" its symbolic policy. If givernment gave farmers material help or gifts them travtors its material policy

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tangible policy- decisions require the expenditure of public funds, which are always scare, policies can be expensive and may anger the groups that have to bear the burden. symbolic policy- involve little money or personnel and aften are not even passed as law.

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check policy definitions - if not defined in the policy - the dictonary definition would apply

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