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Catherine's rules in the book "Rules" by Cynthia Lord help David because they provide structure and guidance in social situations, which he struggles with due to his autism. By following the rules, David is able to navigate relationships and communication more effectively, leading to improved interactions and understanding with others. Catherine's rules also encourage empathy and understanding, helping David to relate better to the people around him.

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In the book "Rules" David is Catherine's brother.

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Q: Why are Catherine's rules good for David from the book Rules by Cynthia Lord?
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In the book rules by Cynthia lord how does Catherines feelings change toward Jason as the book continues?

Worst book ever

What is David like in the book rules by Cynthia lord?

David was 8 years old.

Why did Cynthia Lord make rules?

Cynthia Lord wrote the book "Rules" to explore themes of family, friendship, and understanding those with disabilities. The rules in the story help the characters navigate their relationships and the world around them. By creating rules, the characters learn important lessons about empathy, communication, and acceptance.

Who is the most important character in the novel rules by Cynthia rules?

David Jason Catherine and Kristi but the most main one is Catherine.

Who or what is the antagonist in Rules by Cynthia Lord?

the disablilties of the charactersI think it would be David's autism because it gets in the way of Catharine's life that's why she makes rules for David.

Who wrote RULES?

'RULES' by: Cynthia Lord

What are the rules in the book rules by Cynthia lord?


Who is the protagonist in the book rules by Cynthia lord?

I think that Catherine is the protagonist because she is trying to teach David to be "normal".

What was Catherine's main goal in the book Rules by Cynthia Lord?

Catherine's main goal in the book "Rules" by Cynthia Lord was to help her younger brother, David, who has autism, navigate social situations and connect with others. She creates a set of rules for him to follow and tries to balance her responsibilities towards him with her own desire for independence and friendship.

Did Catherine become friends with Jason in rules by Cynthia lord?

yes Catherine did become friends with Jason in the book Rules by Cynthia Lord

What is the problem in rules by Cynthia lord?

Catherine's brother David does not understand rules like other kids do. Also, Jason at OT and Catherine become "friends" and Kristi tells Catherine to bring him to the dance! Catherine is embarrassed!!

Who is the antagonist in rules by Cynthia lord?
