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In case of plants, there is biological reduction. Carbon bi oxide and water is converted to glucose. Energy from sunlight is trapped in the form of ATP in chlorophyl. This ATP is used to in biological reduction. Energy consumed in biological reduction is same photon by photon, to energy released during biological or chemical oxidation. ( Law of conservation of energy in chemical reactions.)

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Q: Describe how energy from sunlight is transfered to ATP and NADPH and what are they used for?
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The reactions that convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy of ATP and NADPH?

Light Reactions.

Where do plants get energy to make starch?

Plants use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into usable energy, stored in ATP, NADPH, and glucose.

Describe the ways that energy is converted between forms during the light reactions?

Light reaction is the first stage of the photosynthetic reaction when the sunlight is converted into the chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH. ... The electron transport chain produces the NADPH and ATP via ATP synthase. Thus, the light energy gets converted to the chemical energy during light reaction.

True or false the reactions that convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy of ATP and NADPH are called the Calvin cycle?

FALSE, it is light reactions. Just took a test with this exact question on it.

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Name three things that happen in the chloplast?

The three things that happen in the chloroplast includes: the capture of energy from sunlight, the storage of the energy molecules at NADPH and ATP, and the freeing of oxygen from water. The main function of the chloroplast is the absorption of sunlight and using it to produce food for the plant.

What does nadph carry?

they carry high energy electrons.

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What is the role of NADPH in photosynthesis?

The light reactions produce ATP and NADPH which they share with the Calvin cycle. The role of the nadph is producing energy.

NADPH carries energy to the?

nadph carries electrons to electron transport chain in cellular respiration to providing energy for the synthesis of atp

Describe the light reaction of photosynthesis and for both a C3 and a C4 plant tracethe path of carbon dioxide molecule from the point at which it enters a plant to its incorportation into a glucose?

the light reaction consist of two major steps : 1.)harvesting of energy from sunlight or light energy by chlorophyll molecules ; and 2.)conversion of light energy into chemical energy in adenosintriphosphate 9atp)and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (nadph).............

Why is sunlight important to plant?

Plants make their food by a process called Photosynthesis. In this process, the energy from the sunlight is converted into chemical energy. This process takes place inside the Chlorophyll which is situated inside Chloroplasts. The light energy is utilized for production of NADPH AND ATP molecules. These molecules actually supply all the plant cells with the required energy. The NADPH electron converts the carbon dioxide into G3P which in turn is used to make glucose for the plant. That is why sunlight is important for plants.