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In scenes 5 and 7 of "Macbeth," Shakespeare contrasts Macbeth as being hesitant and conscience-stricken over the murder of King Duncan, while Lady Macbeth is portrayed as ruthless and resolute, urging Macbeth to commit the murder. Macbeth shows inner turmoil and moral conflict, whereas Lady Macbeth is focused on the practicalities and ambitions of their plan. This contrast highlights the difference in their characters and their responses to the prospect of regicide.

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At the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth was seen as a ruthless woman thirsting for power, while her husband was hesitant about murdering the king and stealing the thrown. By the end of the play, the roles of the husband and his wife are reversed. The guilty Macbeth appears heartless, while his ruthless wife becomes for stricken with grief that she takes her own life.

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Q: How does Shakespeare contrast Macbeth's character with that of lady Macbeth in scenes 5 and 7?
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Why did Shakespeare make mmacbeth a villen?

I assume you meant "Why did Shakespeare make Macbeth a villan?" Well, what could the storyline have been if he wasn't a villan? Shakespeare's Macbeth was based on the real Macbeth. He murdered his king, Duncan, and became king. I guess that means that the real Macbeth was a villan, and so Shakespeare only kept it that way, showing it wasn't Shakespeare that made his character of Macbeth a villan.