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The atom will either bring in more electrons, making it negatively charged, or "kick out" electrons, making it positively charged.

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Electrons are gained or lost.

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Q: How do electrons interact when forming an ionic bond?
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Related questions

Do ionic bonds share electrons?

No, the bond electrons are weighted towards the element with the higher electronegativity, while forming the ionic bond.

How do valence electrons of atoms behave when forming an ionic bond?

Electrons are transferred when ionic bonds are formed.

What is formed When these outer electrons interact with other atom's electrons?

When outer electrons interact they form a bond. (ionic or chemical)

Do ionic bonds equally share electrons?

No, the bond electrons are weighted towards the element with the higher electronegativity, while forming the ionic bond.

When a bond is formed using electrons from two different atoms?

This can be either an ionic bond forming an ionic compound, or a covalent bond, forming a molecular compound. Ionic bonds form when electrons are transferred from one atom to another, and covalent bonds form when electrons are shared between atoms.

Does sulfur give away electrons when forming a ionic bond?

No, sulfur accepts two electrons forming sulphide ion.

What is most likely to gain two electrons when forming an ionic bond?

An element in group 16/VIA, such as oxygen, is most likely to gain two electrons when forming an ionic bond. This is due to the fact that the atoms of the elements in group 16/VIA have six valence electrons and require two more to get a filled valence shell of 8 electrons (octet rule).

What change results from an ionic bond between two atoms?

One of them looses electrons(metals) forming cation and other gains electrons (non-metals) forming anions and thus both attain stable electronic configuration and get bonded together by an ionic bond.

Which type of bond are electrons gained or lost?

ionic bond is formed by the complete transfer of electrons

What is the relationship between lattice energy and ionic bond strength?

The more lattice energy there is, the more the ionic bond attracts electrons from other atoms forming new compounds.

What does the formation of an ionic bond involves?

A metal and a halogen are involved in making an ionic bond.

Do non metals form ions by losing or gaining electrons?

yes, nonmetals gain electrons when forming ionic bonds, and metals loose electrons when forming an ionic bond