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Traveling outside of Egypt.

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Q: Despite their religious beliefs egyptian traders were not afraid of?
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How was Islam able to replace African religious beliefs?

Traders in Africa had contact with Arabia and converted to Islam

Mali and Ghana in West Africa were Muslim kingdoms in the Middle Ages. Which of the following statements explains how Islam was able to replace African religious beliefs?

Traders in Africa had contact with Arabia and converted to Islam.

Why were trade networking so important?

These networks helped people exchange products and information. Traders carried ideas, religious beliefs, art, and ways of living. They did not just trade goods. They also helped "trade" culture

Where did Egyptian traders travel to trade their goods?

They shipped their goods with other parts of Africa, the Greeks, and the Thebes

When did Egyptian traders bring back African riches?

The riches that were bought back to Egypt was as follows: Gold Ivory Perfumes Animal Clothes Trees that only grow in the kingdom of Kush (lower Nubia)

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they were farmers,traders and they were religious and they really cared for mney

Did Muslim traders spread their religion when talking to people in other places about their beliefs?

Yes, and the Muslim warriors did too....

Who first brought the Muslim beliefs to Ghana?

Islam was first brought to Ghana through Muslim traders and missionaries.

Which generation is characteristic of most traditional societies?

Which is a characteristic of most traditional societies1. Cultural diffusion leads to a strong sense of nationalism.2. Change is quickly accepted at all levels of society.3. Families in rural areas tend to be smaller than those in urban areas.4. Religious beliefs and social organization are closely related.the answer to this question is 4. religious beliefs and social organization are closely related

Is it true that trade routes were profitable paths fallowed by traders that brought Egyptian merchants into contact with more distant land?

Yes, this is true.

How do you use the word weapons in a sentence?

You just did. -Improvement- The Egyptian traders took their beads, metal tools, and weapons to trade. That is a better sentence than -You just did.-

Did Egyptian traders bring bake African riches?

yes, they did. they were bringing it back during the 8th century. they brought back things such as gold, perfumes, cloths, and ivory.