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Q: Determining the number of people from the state of Alaska who voted for a Republican in the last election is an example of measurement?
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An example of a precision measurement is a reading of

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A primary election is an election that takes place before the main elections. The primary election narrows down the amount of people who are running for a specific place in office. An example being there are two democrat and two republican candidates running for president. There will be an election to remove one democrat and republican from the race.

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The Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitutionprovides the procedure for electing the President and Vice President. The best example of its use is the recent election of 2016, where the Republican candidate lost the popular vote, but was elected President by the Electoral College.

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The most recent example was the 1976 Election run of Eugene McCarthy as an Independent against the Incumbent Republican Gerald Ford and the Democratic Party challenger Jimmy Carter.

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When the only candidates who have a reasonable chance of winning an election are one of two parties, this is generally referred to as a two party system. The US is an example of a two party system in which the only candidates who stand a reasonable chance of winning are Republican or Democratic.

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The answer depends on what measurement the conversion concerns. There is no way that you can convert a measurement of mass to degrees, for example.

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What is crossover voting?

Crossover voting occurs when members of one political party vote in the primary election of another party. This can be done strategically to support a weaker opponent or to influence the nomination process. It is often used as a tactic to disrupt or sway the outcome of elections.

What is the meaning of area in measurement?

Measuring "area" refers to determining size in two dimensions (e.g., length and width). The resulting measure is typically reported in terms of units of measurement "squared." For example, if a surface is one foot long and one foot wide, the area of the surface is called "one square foot" or "one foot squared."

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A significant value includes all the measured values and?

The level of measurement refers to the relationship among the values that are assigned to the attributes for a variable. Begin with the idea of the variable, in this example "party affiliation." That variable has a number of attributes. Let's assume that in this particular election context the only relevant attributes are "republican", "democrat", and "independent". For purposes of analyzing the results of this variable, we arbitrarily assign the values 1, 2 and 3 to the three attributes. The level of measurement describes the relationship among these three values. In this case, we simply are using the numbers as shorter placeholders for the lengthier text terms.