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Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

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13y ago

Cleopatra actually never married either one of them. However she had a "relationship" with Julius Caesar first.

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Cleopatra married her two brothers. She had kids with Marc Antony and possibly Julius Caesar.

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Her first love was with Julius Caesar she married him, Marc Antony and Ptolemy XIII but, it is mistaken to think that Cleopatra married Julius Caesar. She never did. The same can be said for Marc Antony. However she did marry Ptolemy XIII and also Ptolemy XIV. Judging from her life, Cleopatra's love was Cleopatra.

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# Cleopatra did not marry Caesar, although she wanted to, for he was her lover.

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Whoa! You're asking a question full of misinformation. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar and her wedding to Marc Antony was a sham, contracted for political reasons. Also she never killed Caesar. He was assassinated in Rome by members of the senate. Antony killed himself, possibly with Cleopatra's manipulating, but Cleo herself had no first hand involvement.

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Her brother, Ptolemy XIV, then Julius Ceaser, then Marc Antony

Did Cleopatra marry Caesar?

Yes Cleopatria DID marry Ceaser

Who did Cleopatra marry or did she not get married?

Cleopatra married both her younger brothers Ptolomy XIII and Ptolomy XiV. Ptolomy XIII died in the war with Caesar and Cleopatra poisoned Ptolomy XIV. She also had a "marriage" with Marc Antony. I put this in quotes because Antony was married to Octavia at the time of his so-called marriage to Cleopatra.

Did Cleopatra marry Julius Caesar first or mark Anthony?

Cleopatra actually did not marry either one of them. Caesar never married her and the marriage to Marc Antony was a sham, set up to impress the Egyptian people with the unity of their political alliance. The word "marriage" had many meaning in the ancient world.

Did Cleopatra VII marry Caesar?

Yes Cleopatria DID marry Ceaser.

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Brutus killed Caesar. He never married Cleopatra.

When did Cleopatra VII marry Caesar?

Trick question she never did