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THE ORIGIN OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN(KAMITE) The Ancestral home of the original Egyptians was recorded on a temple wall in Egypt. It stated, \"WE COME FROM THE SOUTH AT THE FOOTHILL OF THE MOUNTAIN OF THE MOON WHERE THE GOD HOPI DWELLS\". The mountain of the moon is Mt Killimanjaro and Hopi was the God of the Nile river. Egypt was a colony founded by a group of Nubian/Ethiopians led by their ruler Osiris. Upon his death he was elevated to the status of a god and became the 1st Christ figure to appear in history. It has been proven that Egypt received most of its earlier spiritual, social and political ideas from the Nubian/Ethiopian complex to the south. The dynastic rule and pharoah concept has been documented to have existed at least 300yrs before being adopted by Egypt. The 1st dynastic pharoah to reunite upper and lower Egypt was Nahmer, who was a Nubian/Ethiopian. ancient Egypt was ruled by various African peoples/cultures from southern, eastern and western Africa. All of these peoples/cultures had an influence on Ancient Egypt. I use the combination of Nubian/Ethiopian because there was no country named Ethiopia in ancient times. The words Ethiopian(AEthiop) and Egypt( AEgyptos) are both descriptive Greek names. AETHI means burnt or dark, and OP means skin or face. The ancient names for the modern area/country called Ethiopia are Abbysinnia and Cush/Kush. The term Ethiopian(AEthiop) was used to describe all dark skinned peoples of the world which included all of Africa, southern India, South America and all countries touched by the Indian ocean. The word INDIAN also means black, after the color indigo, the most powerful color in the color spectrum, which is blue/black. There is much to suggest that they did. The question is, from where. Ancient man was known to travel vast distances in decent enough numbers to leave their mark on other cultures, or surpass them altogether. How extensive this was, the big picture, is just now being pieced together. Just remember that what we now consider common wisdom will in all probability be considered silly, primitive thinking, within our own lifetime. There is now evidence to suggest that the sphinx is much older than thought. There is evidence to suggest that the Americas were not originally inhabited by what we now call the Native Americans (North and South America). The list of examples is endless. It begs the question; what culture didn't evolve from a previous one? Darwinism is as much social evolution as it is Biological evolution. So it stands to reason that ancient Egyptian culture was made up of an amalgam of surrounding cultures, visiting cultures (this could have been a single individual or a small group)added to the population that inhabited that region. I will not say the "original" population. Determining who was there first is an altogether different discussion. I hope I could add a new perspective to your question.

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Q: Did Egyptians get their ideas and society from earlier generations?
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