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Yes, of course. The Torah records the many words he spoke in Hebrew, many of which are direct quotes.

The fact that Moses was a real person is recorded by ancient non-Jewish writers going back over 2,300 years, including Hecataeus, Strabo, Alexander Polyhistor, Manetho, Apion, Chaeremon, Tacitus, and Porphyry. Non-religious ancient Jewish sources mention him too, such as Artapanus, Eupolemus, Josephus and Philo.

Dr. William Albright, who was probably the foremost authority in Middle East Archaeology in his time, said: "There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of the Old Testament." And a quote from a researcher named Norman Geisler: "In every period of Old Testament history, we find that there is good evidence from archaeology that the Scriptures speak the truth. In many instances, the Scriptures even reflect firsthand knowledge of the times and customs it describes. While many have doubted the accuracy of the Bible, time and continued research have consistently demonstrated that the Word of God is better informed than its critics.

"In fact, while thousands of finds from the ancient world support in broad outline and often in detail the biblical picture, not one incontrovertible find has ever contradicted the Bible."

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6y ago

Moses is portrayed in The Bible as having lived in the fifteenth century BCE, although some suggest a somewhat later date in the thirteenth century BCE. However, one theory is that the Hebrew language only evolved from the native Canaanite language towards the end of the tenth century BCE. Moses could not have learnt the Hebrew language.

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1) In those days, Israelite custom was to nurse babies for up to four years. Since it was his own mother who nursed him (Exodus 2:8-9), his family had plenty of time to teach him before he was returned to Pharaoh's daughter (Exodus 2:10) to live in the palace.

2) Moses was not a prisoner in the royal palace. He came and went as he pleased (Exodus 2:11 and 2:13) and sought out his people (ibid).

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8y ago

If Moses was a real, historical person living in the middle of the second millennium BCE, as described in the Bible, then he could not have spoken Hebrew. The Hebrew language only evolved from its Canaanite origins around the beginning of the tenth century BCE. Other alternatives such as Aramaic, and its Syriac derivative, are equally anachronistic.

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7y ago

If you mean Hebrew cursive writing, then no. The cursive system we use today in Hebrew was invented in the Middle Ages.

The Entire Hebrew Bible was written in Hebrew, but Moses didn't write "the Bible." Jewish tradition and belief says that Moses wrote the Torah (or received it from God), which is the first 5 books of the Bible.

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6y ago

Yes, Moses spoke Hebrew. It was he who wrote the Torah (Deuteronomy 31:24) in its original language, Biblical Hebrew.
Note that secular theorists love to use the word "anachronism" in reference to statements in the Hebrew Bible. They do so, however, at the risk of their own embarrassment. Archaeological finds, such as the Ugarit documents and those of Nuzu, Mari, Susa, Ebla, and Tel el-Amarna, have repeatedly caused secular critics to retract their claims. The entire social milieu portrayed in the Torah, once criticized as anachronistic, has been shown to be historically accurate, including customs of marriage, adoption, contracts, inheritance, purchases, utensils, modes of travel, people's names and titles, etc. Professor Gleason Archer Ph.D of Harvard University states: "In case after case where historical inaccuracy was alleged as proof of late and spurious authorship of the biblical documents, the Hebrew record has been vindicated by the results of excavations, and the condemnatory judgment of the theorists have been proved to be without foundation."

See also the Related Links.

Link: Evidence from archaeology

Link: More about Moses

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6y ago

Jesus almost certainly could read and write Hebrew, but it was not a spoken language in his time. He could speak to the Romans in Koine Greek too. He spoke in Aramaic too.

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13y ago

Yes as he was born in Egypt and lived many years in the palace of the Pharaoh.

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