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There is no documented evidence of Peter van Pels giving Anne Frank flowers while they were in hiding. Their relationship was complex and evolved during their time in the Secret Annex, but flowers specifically are not mentioned as a gift exchanged between them.

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13y ago

Yes, for her fourteenth birthday. he gave Miep Gies some money privately, and asked her to get any flowers she could. Miep was able to buy a small bouquet of peonies, which Peter gave to Anne.

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Q: Did Peter van Pels ever give Anne frank flowers?
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In addition to Anne Frank and her family (Margot, Otto, and Edith), the other four individuals who lived in the hideout were Hermann and Auguste van Pels, their son Peter, and Fritz Pfeffer, a dentist.

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Otto Frank(dad), Edith Frank (mum), Margot Frank (sister), Peter van Pels, Hermann van Pels (peters dad),Auguste van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer .

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Otto Frank, Margot Frank, Anne Frank, Edith Frank, Albert Dussel, Peter Van Pels Hermann Van Pels and Auguste Van Pels. All names are spelled correctly.

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Peter van Pels, who was one of Anne Frank's close friends in the Secret Annex, was 15 years old when Anne died.

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