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A Roman soldier ripped her eyes out.

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Q: Did Saint Lucy take her own eyes out or did a Roman soldier do it?
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How did Saint Lucy become a saint and what happened?

Lucy of Syracuse was a young girl who lived in the third century in Sicily. At a young age she decided to devote her life to God. She refused to marry a pagan and he denounced her to the Roman governor. The governor sentenced her to forced prostitution, but when guards went to take her, they could not move her even when they hitched her to a team of oxen. The governor ordered her killed instead. After torture that included having her eyes torn out, she was surrounded by bundles of wood which were set afire; they went out. She prophesied against her persecutors, and was executed by being stabbed to death with a dagger.

Who has red eyes in Greek mythology?

Ares Greek god of war. Roman form is Mars

When and where did Saint John the Apostle become a saint?

The answer depends on whether "saint" is to be understood in the Roman Catholic sense or in the Biblical sense. Roman Catholic doctrine reserves the title "saint" to those who have been recognized as such by the Roman Catholic Church and declared so by the Pope. Not being Roman Catholic, I don't know when this was declared with regard to John. The Bible applies the word "saint" to all believers in Christ. Even though people are not holy (saint means holy person), through faith in Christ they are declared holy ("justified") and treated as holy by God. In Bible usage the word applies to both living and deceased believers. In Biblical usage, then, John became Saint John when he came to faith in Jesus as his Savior.

What dose Minerva the roman goddess look like?

Minerva has many aspects and is portrayed in many ways. However, it is said that she has grey eyes.

Why did the Romans portray Cleopatra as an immoral greedy woman?

The Romans portrayed Cleopatra as an immoral and greedy woman because that is what she was in Roman eyes. She was immoral because she lured Antony way from his Roman wife, the well respected Octavia. Her greed became evident when she negotiated for the territory along the eastern Mediterranean coast which was Roman territory and had been won by Roman soldiers. The Donations of Alexandria proved her greed and immorality to those back in Rome.

Related questions

Why are eyes on a dish the symbol for Saint Lucy?

Because she was tortured by having her eyes torn out.

Why did Saint Lucy's eyes get gouged?

Roman soldiers tore her eyes out as part of the torture before they killed her.

What color were Saint Lucy's eyes?

Little is known about Saint Lucy, including the color of her eyes.

Were Saint Lucy's eyes pulled out?

Yes, according to Church tradition, as a part of her torture, Lucy had her eyes pulled out by her Roman torturers.

Saint Lucy is the partron saint of?

St. Lucy is the patron Saint of the Blind, as she had been tortured by having her eyes torn out.

Why does Saint Lucy carry eyes around with her?

Saint Lucy is often depicted carrying a plate of eyes because legend has it that her eyes were gouged out as a form of torture during Roman persecution. It is said that Lucy's eyes were miraculously restored by God, hence the association with eyes as a symbol of her faith and martyrdom.

Why is Saint Lucy holding eyes?

St. Lucy is sometimes pictured holding a plate with two eyeballs on it. Just before she was killed, Roman soldiers tore out her eyes. Legend says that her eyesight was miraculously restored before she was martyred.

What is yeux de sainte lucie?

Saint Lucy's eyes

Did Saint Lucy have her eyes cut out?

Yes, according to traditional accounts, Saint Lucy had her eyes gouged out before she was martyred. This brutal act is said to symbolize her unwavering faith and commitment to God.

Who named Saint Lucia?

Before she was martyred, Lucy had her eyes torn out by torturers.

Why is Saint Lucy the patron saint of the blind?

Saint Lucy is the patron saint of the blind because, according to tradition, she miraculously regained her sight after it was taken from her during persecution. She is often depicted holding a plate with her eyes on it, symbolizing her sacrifice and connection to vision-related afflictions. Many prayers and devotions seek her intercession for those affected by blindness or eye diseases.

Why does Saint Lucy have her eyes on a plate?

Tradition tells us that Lucy was tortured before being martyred. One of the tortures was having her eyes torn out. Legend says that her eyes were miraculously restored just before she died. She is often prayed to by those suffering from diseases or injuries of the eyes.