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Although he often took the lead when conversing with government authorities or Jewish religious leaders, Peter was never a pope. That is something that was adopted later by the Church. Although there is debate over when and by whom the letters of Peter were actually written, it is largely conjecture based on a very limited knowledge we have of the history of this time. To believe that it was indeed written by Peter, would be a matter of faith. The time period would have been around 62-64 CE. That is well before the ruling bishop or pope became a formal position.

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Unfortunately, the majority of New Testament scholars say that the two epistles called the First Epistle of Peter and the Second Epistle of Peter are actually pseudepigraphical, meaning that they were not written during the lifetime of Peter.

The First Epistle mentions Babylon, apparently as a reference to Rome. Bart D. Ehrman says (Forged) that by the end of the first century Christians and Jews had started using the word Babylon as a code word for Rome, because Rome destroyed Jerusalem and its Temple in the year 70 just as Babylon had done centuries earlier. Even the most careful authors sometimes leave unintended clues, and this is one of the clues that point to authorship no earlier than the latter part of the first century.

Scholars also point out that the Second Epistle appears to have copied much of the Epistle of Jude, which self-identifies as a work written in the second century.

Everett Ferguson points out that (Backgrounds of Early Christianity) Acts 4:13 says both Peter and his companion John were agrammatoi, a Greek word that literally means 'unlettered', that is, illiterate. In other words, the real Peter could never have written an epistle.

This brings us to the question of Saint Peter as pope. Francis A. Sullivan SJ, says (From Apostles to Bishops) that there is a general agreement among scholars, including Catholic scholars, that the church of Rome was led by a council of presbyters until well into the second century, with no evidence of a ruling bishop. This does not prove that Peter never went to Rome, but the evidence is tenuous. Father Sullivan says part of the evidence that Peter was in Rome comes from 1 Peter, but if the epistle was not really from Peter, this evidence is not helpful.

A more detailed answer can be found here.

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Saint Peter became pope (although that word was not used until centuries later) - the Vicar of Christ from the instant of his appointment as recorded in St. Matthew's Gospel, Matthew 16:17-19. Whether St. Peter ever actually penned the letters that bear his name is a matter of dispute, but they were always recognized as canonical, and reflect the close ties with the See of Peter (in Rome) and that of St. James in Jerususalem and St. Paul in Asia Minor. Regardless, they were written after St. Peter was appointed as pope.

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