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yeah yeah yeah zeppelins are a good out come and weapon yeah yeah yeah

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Q: Did Zeppelins have an effect on the course and the outcome of World War 1?
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Which if the following had the greatest impact on the outcome of world war 1?

Zeppelins bro

Why did world war 1 have a dramatic effect on the course of middle east history?

The outcome of World War I had a dramatic effect on the course of Middle East history primarily because it replaced Ottoman control with British and French occupation. Subsequently, independence of diverse Arabic states was achieved and then, most significantly, the nation of Israel was created. Thus, the outcome of the First World War created the conditions of the Middle East as it stands today.

Were zeppelins used in World War 2?

Zeppelins have not been used for military purposes since the First World War; that is more than 90 years.

Did Germany bombard London with aeroplanes and zeppelins?

Yes, Germany used both (at least in World War 1 - zeppelins were phased out of military use before World War 2).

Is zeppelins from World War 1 a weapon?

The World War I zeppelins were large blimps used to gain information from over enemy lines, but were slow and easy targets for artillery guns.

How did D DAY effect the outcome of world war 2?

The operation let the Allies win world war!

What effect did operation torch have on the outcome of the World War 2?

The German force had weaken from Africa

What effect did the US have on World War 2 outcome?

Industrial might overcame the axis powers.

Who used zeppelins?

The Germans used zeppellins in the First World War.

What were the gas filled airships named after the designer in World War 1 called?

==Zeppelin Airships== They were called Zeppelins, after their designer Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.

What are advantages of zeppelins?

During the First World War, Zeppelins were prized for their ability to fly high up in the air, for their long range and for their ability to carry heavy loads.

What were the German airships in World War 1 called?

torpedoe They were called, Zeppelins.