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no there hasnt been any robots or anything

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Q: Did any robots or satellites traveled in Uranus and what are there name?
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What name of the robots or satellite went to Uranus?

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What is the name of satellites or robots in neptune and what year did they get there?

Voyager 2, 1989.

Has neptune been explored by any satellites or robots if so what is their name and what year?


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There's a robot on Mars call, "The Mars Rover" if that is what you are talking about

What is the name and year of the satellites or robots that have explored neptune?

To date, no satellites or robots have directly explored Neptune. However, the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Neptune in 1989, providing the first and only close-up images and data of the planet.

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What is one name of satellite or robot of Neptune?

There are no man-made satellites or robots of Neptune. The space probe "Voyager 2" flew past Neptune, in 1989.

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What is the name of the satellites or robots that have explored Neptune close-up?

To date, only one probe has made a pass at Neptune. Voyager 2 in August 1989. Future passes and probes have been planned or are currently still making the journey across the solar system.

What are the names of the robots from terminator?

i know one of the robots got the name ¨Reaper¨ I dont know the other robots name.