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Religion was government

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Q: Did government or religion have more influence on medieval society?
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Do you think religion or government had more influence on medieval societies?

Both religion and government had significant influence on medieval societies. Religion played a central role in shaping beliefs, culture, and daily life, while governments provided structure, laws, and leadership necessary for society to function. The relationship between the two varied depending on the region and time period within medieval history.

How was the Medieval society structured?

By its government….

What government did the medieval queen live under?

The same as everyone in a feudal society/government.

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Less and less it appears.

What was Organization of Egyptian society and government?

Islam religion

What can you infer conclude about Medieval society during the Middle Ages?

That the whole of their culture was based on religion.

Are people in Taiwan able to change and influence the government and their society?

Yes, it is a democratic society.

Did the Phoenicians religion and their government combine?

Religion was an important aspect and part of Phoenician society.

How was Egypt's religion related to its society and government?

byhelping each other

How did ancient Roman religion influence today's society?

because they still believe in god or goddeness

How did the anglo-saxon Celts influence medieval society?

they raised dogs named judith and ate them when the dogs contracted rabies

Which is not an example of something the church used to influence medieval society?

The Eddas (it's related to Norse Mythology, has nothing to do with the church)