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Some of the convicts on the First Fleet and some of the seamen developed scurvy. This would only happen when the ships had been out of any port for many weeks, and fresh vegetables and fruit supplies had diminished to nothing.

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Q: Did lots of people from the first fleet have scurvy?
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How cold you prevent scurvy?

By eating lots of oranges

What will happen if you don't have lots of vitamin c?

chances of scurvy

How do you make scurvy better?

You eat lots of Citrus fruits!! LOL

What are lots of ships called?

a fleet

What do you eat when you have scurvy?

You need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, especially oranges!

What disease do you get if you lack vitamin A?

You get a disease called scurvy to prevent it eat lots of fruit.

How do people get scurvy?

People usually get scurvy from lack of vitamin C, which normally comes from citrus fruits. Its a terrible disease to prevent simply eatOrangesLemonsBlackcurrantsGuavaKiwifruitPapayaTomatoesStrawberriesCarrotsBell peppersBroccoliPotatoesCabbageSpinachPaprikaLiver

Why was Australia a good place for European colonization?

It wasn't! GB had no room left in there prisons and Australia had lots of space. The first fleet are lucky they survived.

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England did not travel to migrate to Australia. England stayed exactly where it is now. Any of the English people who migrated to Australia, however, travelled by ships in the early years of Australian settlement. The very first English people to settle Australia were the convicts, officers and marines who came on the First Fleet.

Do pirates get scurvey from lack of nutriants?

they get scurvy because when they're travelling, they had lots of citrus fruit and this fruit had sugar and acid which damaged their mouths creating scurvy symptoms. We studied it in science last year :) Hope i helped x

What vitamin was missing in the sailor's diet?

Vitamin C! They Got Scurvy If They had A Lack Of Vitamin C. That is why the British sailor's were called limeys, because they would eat lots of limes to prevent scurvy.

Does Ireland have an air force fleet of hyper-jets?

yes there are lots of them they mostly use them in war