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I'll take a shot at it my text book said that Hitler and them came in and gathered them up . after they where all in gas chambers they killed them and after they found out about it it was nick-named the black death.

The Holocaust came well after the medieval Black Death. The Black Death was a disease also known as The Pestilence The Plague and The Great Mortality, not a nickname for the Holocaust. People in Europe, not the UK, thought that Jews had created the Black Death somehow to get rid of Christians, possibly with the help of witches. Britons didn't suspect the Jews as much because there weren't very many in the UK at the time. Whole groups of Jews were killed by nervous, frantic or just plain bloodthirsty people in Europe who didn't want to catch the Black Death. How exactly killing random groups of Jews would help, even if they were causing it, I don't know, because surely that would make other groups of Jews angry so they would give you the Black Death. There are two things you need to know, though:

  1. The Jews Did Not Cause The Black Death
  2. Hitler Did Not Kill Jews Because He Thought They Caused The Black Death.
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because the Jews where a smaller group of people, so they thought it would be ok to blame them. they had accused them for poisoning them, in there drinks. they believed that the Jews put poison in there wells. Scapegoat then happened which has nothing at all with goats. it was when they took the Jews in for questioning then would burn them in a fire, or just torture them first then burn them.

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yes because the jews hated them so they poisoned the drinking water.

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Q: Did medieval people think that the Jews caused the Black Death?
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What was thought to have caused the black in the medieval times?

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75-200 million people in the 14th century.According to medieval historian Philip_Daileaderin 2007:

Where the medieval people thought the black death came from?

people thought it is punishment from god. Jews poisoned the wells.etc

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