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Religion came from morals because religion had to start from small just like everything else in the world

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Q: Did moral rules come from religion or did religion come from an inborn sense of morality?
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Can a person be ethical or moral and not be religious. How is morality connected to religion?

ethics and morals are not the creatation of religion, peoples long before religion had them. religion just claims to be the keepers of them as their own. Even animals have rules of conduct that they live by when living in groups.

What is the moral of faith?

Absolutely not. People who have no "religious" faith can be extremely moral. In fact, they may be more honestly moral than their religious sisters and brothers since their morality comes naturally, and doesn't require prompting, threats and rules set by others.Absolutely not. People who have no "religious" faith can be extremely moral. In fact, they may be more honestly moral than their religious sisters and brothers since their morality comes naturally, and doesn't require prompting, threats and rules set by others.Absolutely not. People who have no "religious" faith can be extremely moral. In fact, they may be more honestly moral than their religious sisters and brothers since their morality comes naturally, and doesn't require prompting, threats and rules set by others.Absolutely not. People who have no "religious" faith can be extremely moral. In fact, they may be more honestly moral than their religious sisters and brothers since their morality comes naturally, and doesn't require prompting, threats and rules set by others.

What is the atheistic existentialist view on sexuality?

Atheism is NOT A RELIGION. It has no rules. Those are given by morality. Every atheist has different opinions.

Does every religion have rules?

"When the Tao is lost, there is goodness. When goodness is lost, there is morality. When morality is lost, there is ritual. Ritual is the husk of true faith, the beginning of chaos." As religions get old, they become more and more rites and rituals and rules oriented. They start out as Divine Love, and end as rites, rituals, and rules.

What religion believes that moral behavior comes naturally to us and that you should not strain and strive to follow moral rules?

No religion that I have ever heard of, and if you think of Christians this way you must have a very strange group living in your town. If such a religion does exist try a broader search into religion and not just Christianity, as we do adhere to moral rules though some of us (including me) believe that God created us with inherent knowledge of right from wrong (though whether or not you obey these instincts is up to you).

How do you make religion into math reading science and social studies?

A:You take the morality out of religion. Without an ethical foundation, you can teach religion during mathematics, reading, science or social studies classes, and pretend that you are not breaking any rules.

Is moral relative?

Relative morality is someone who always tries to judge a situation before making a decision. this means that sometimes the rules are broken, because that course of action does not seem to be the best one.

What are the benefit of Moral Education?

We can reasonably expect that adequate moral education will result in a more moral population, who will treat other people better than an immoral population would. Of course, there is no unanimous agreement about exactly what morality is or should be. In posting this question, you might be thinking of a moral crusade to stamp out homosexuality, for example, while others are trying to gain equal rights for homosexuals. One person's morality is another person's immorality. Because it teaches a person how to live in a society, without offending it and becoming an outcast. Morality differs for every society and its members mus learn the the rules to function in that society.

What is the relationship between religion and ethics?

One definition of ethics is the study of moral principles. Based on that definition, some say that ethics has no place in religion because we are required to obey God's law, not study or criticise it. Others see ethics as broadly encompassing moral principles and the rules for understanding and applying them. The Bible contains some fairly general moral principles but does not cover every situation, nor does it tell us what to do when we have conflicting moral obligations. Ethics can provide the guidance missing from the Bible.

What religion believed the Bible was both the rules for life and government?

Judaism belives that the written and oral Torah gives the moral ethics of how to live. Judaism is more than a religion. its a way of life. Its always there with you.

What are the 5 moral principles?

AnswerMorality is a code of conduct and a guide for rational behaviour. Etiquette is sometimes included as a part of morality, but it applies to norms that are considered less serious than those that are usually regarded as important to morality.Religions usually define behaviours and conduct expected of the faithful. However, religion differs from morality in that it includes stories, usually about supernatural beings, that are used to explain or justify the behaviour that it prohibits or requires.There is often considerable overlap in the conduct governed by morality and that governed by law. In fact, laws are often evaluated on moral grounds. However, a legal system is distinguished from morality or a moral system by having explicit written rules, penalties, and officials who interpret the laws and apply the penalties. In contrast, moral conduct is something that society expects but does not necessarily punish those who fail to live up to its moral standards.

What are things that most religion have?

central dogma about reality or god; views of life and fate;common moral rules; ethics practices customs and code of conduct