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The extermination camps were top secret.

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Q: Did nazi Germany have secret concentration camps?
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Where were Nazi's concentration camps?

they were in Germany and through out Europe.

Concentration camps were in which country?

The camps were mainly in Germany and in Nazi-occupied Poland.

How did the British stop concentration camps?

The Allies (including Britain) stopped the Nazi concentration camps and the Holocaust by invading and defeating Nazi Germany.

How many Nazi Concentration Camps were there by the end of 1937?

By the end of 1937 there was only 5 main Concentration Camps, 4 were in Germany and 1 was in Austria.

What groups were sent to both Nazi concentration camps and soviet labor camps?

People with a Polish background were often sent to both Nazi concentration camps and Soviet labor camps. Both Germany and the Soviet Union wanted control of Poland.

What were the top 5 concentration camps during Nazi Germany?

Auschwitz.Belzec,Bergin,chelmeno,and mauthausen

Which of the following describes a difference between concentration camps and extermination camps in nazi Germany's?

Concentration camps were used for forced prison labor, while extermination camps were built to kill all prisoners.

Did ghettos or concentration camps come first?

Ghettos preceded concentration camps. Concentration camps appeared during the Nazi era in Germany. Ghettos were present in the largest cities in Germany (and other large urban areas in other countries) well before that.

Where did nazi concentration camps take place?

in germany and poland but those are the only countries i know of

What countries were helping Nazis run the concentration camps?

The areas where the concentration camps were located was under Nazi control e.g. Auschwitz in Poland. Germany occupied it in 1939.

How many concentration camps still exist as museums?

Key sections of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau are now museums.

What conflict caused concentration camps during World War 2?

No conflict caused concentration camps during WWII. Nazi Concentration Camps pre-dated WWII, though when Germany too over more territories they built more camps.