

Did president Andrew Johnson want Alaska?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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yes he did, just kidding I don't know

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Q: Did president Andrew Johnson want Alaska?
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What does Andrew Johnson want from us?

If you're referring to the US Reconstruction era President, Andrew Johnson, he doesn't want anything from us because he's been dead since July 31, 1875. If you're referring to a different Andrew Johnson, you need to be more specific.

What document did president Andrew Johnson want a copy of under his head upon his burial?

his doucument was of the consitution.

What document did president Andrew Johnson want a copy of placed under his head upon burial?

Johnson is buried with his head resting on a copy of the US Constitution.

What year was your president Andrew Johnson born?

December 29, 1808 If you want to know more birthdays and people, you can always look at Wikipedia.

What bad things did Andrew Johnson do?

He started the Indian Removal Act and he did not want the 15th amendment to pass.

What document did president Andrew Jackson want a copy of placed under his head upon his burial?

I think you are confusing Jackson with Andrew Johnson, whose head rests on a copy of the US Constitution.

What did the north want to do after firing Andrew Johnson?

The Republicans in the House apparently wanted to replace Johnson with Benjamin Franklin Wade, who was the President Pro tempore of the Senate and so next in line for the Presidency according to the law at that time.

What did Andrew Johnson want all southerners to do?

swear a loyalty oath

What are facts about about Andrew Johnson?

he was the first president to get impeached, he owned white mice as pets, he had 2 girls and 3 boys, and worked as a tailor

Who was Andrew Johnson?

Andrew Johnson was US President from 1865 until March 1869. He became the 17th president when Lincoln was killed . Andrew Johnson was elected as vice president with Lincoln in 1864. He was US senator from Tennessee when Tennessee seceded and he was the only Senator from a seceding state that remained loyal to the union. Lincoln appointed him military governor of Tennessee after Tennessee was recaptured by the union. Johnson was known as a failure as a Reconstruction Era president. He was distrusted because he was from the South and had no status in the majority Republican Party. He was undermined by his cabinet which he inherited from Lincoln and which he was not allowed to replace by an unconstitutional law passed by an antagonistic Congress. After Lincoln died, several of the cabinet members took charge of the country and they did not want to give up their power. Therefore, Johnson was one of the least effective presidents of United States and was almost impeached and removed from office for purely political reasons.

Who did president Johnson want to punish?

Andrew Johnson did not seek to punish the south as harshly as Congress wanted to at the time. This was a major sore spot for congress and one of the reasons that would eventually lead to the house impeaching the president.