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Q: Did puritans believed in hard work self-examination and self-discipline?
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What religion did the Puritans have?

The Puritans were extreme Protestants who believed in a simple religion and lifestyle. They dressed plainly and believed you had to work hard if you wanted to go to Heaven when you died. They also believed that Sunday was the most important day of the week, and that on Sundays and the other holy days people should devote themselves to God.

Who did puritans believe in?

The Puritans were mainly Christians, who believed in God and Jesus. They were just a different a group of Christians who broke away from the Church of England in the 1700s. They later came and colonized in North America.

How would one define the Puritan work ethic?

The Puritans believed simply that hard work was an honor to God and that it would lead to a prosperous reward. They were people who believed in actually working for a living.

Are Puritans pessimistic or optimistic?

Puritans were generally pessimistic in their worldview, believing in the concept of original sin and emphasizing the idea of predestination. They believed that humans were inherently sinful and that only a select few were chosen by God for salvation, leading to a focus on introspection, self-discipline, and living a morally upright life.

What were puritans values?

hard work and education

What contributions did the Puritans make to American society?

The Puritans believed in the community, that individuals should support and help one another. They enforced a strict moral and religious code that can be seen in some of the evangelical groups today. They also believed in hard work and saw economic success as a sign of a good life. While not believing in equality and the freedom of religion as we define it today, the Puritans did believe in a well ordered society which would lead to a belief in a government that would guide and protect all citizens.

Difference between age of reason and puritans?

Puritans based there entire life on God. They thought God had there life planned out for them from day 1. They believed that work, was extremely important in everyday life, and when they worked God saw and recognized that which helped them at heaven's gates. Opposed to the Age of Reason. They believed everything was brought up by the success of man. Man was the reason. When they got to the age of disbelief in religion and God, they went more towards Man. They too thought that working hard was important but not for the same reasons. They figured that working hard, shaped them into hard working men and woman... There you go.

What hard times hit the Puritans in 1692?

Salem Witch Trials

How did Albert Einstein do what he did?

He worked hard and believed what he believed

Religious dissenters belief in hard work social conformity New England?


Did the Puritans emphasize hard work settled in New England and emphasize social conformity?


What was the great migraton?

When Puritans journeyed to Massachusetts to escape religious persecution and economic hard times in England.