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Nope. Some of Shakespeare's plays were performed before Elizabeth but there is no reason to think that she was particularly impressed by them. Her tastes ran more to knockabout physical comedy.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

Were alive at the same time. Lived in the same country. Shakespeare acted at court when she was Queen a few times. There is no other connection.

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Q: Queen Elizabeth 1 and Shakespeare
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Shakespeare's birth date is not known, but he was Baptized on April 26, 1564.Queen Elizabeth I was Queen of England at that time.

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No. Queen Elizabeth I of England never married. William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway.

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Who was the queen of England during Shakespeare 's time?

Queen Elizabeth 1 who reigned from 1558 to 1603.

Did Queen Elizabeth I go to Shakespeare's play?

Yes, she did Queen Elizabeth did she said it was the finest play she went to. Queen Elizabeth was in the court where Shakespeare's plays were performed, she attended a lot of his plays.

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Shakespeare was born in the reign of Elizabeth Tudor, (Elizabeth 1), who was crowned Queen in 1588. He was born in 1564. She died in 1603 and was replaced by the first Stuart king, James 1. Shakespeare died in 1616, James died in 1625