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Yes, the Moors did persecute the Early Christians.

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Q: Did the Moors persecute Christians
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The relationship between Moors and Jews in Spain 1492 is that both groups were persecuted by the Spanish Christians. During the Spanish Inquisition, the ruling classes and the Church seized upon the concept of "purity of blood" and used this concept to persecute Moors and Jews who had not converted to Christianity. During this time most Jews and Moors were stripped of their possessions and expelled from Spain.

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The reason for Nero's persecution of Christians may be attributed to the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD. The city was reduced to rubble and although many thought that Nero may have been responsible for the blaze, a few sources say that Christians may have confessed to the crime, although by free will or by torture is unknown. Because of this, Nero and the community placed the blame on the Christians, and thus they suffered greatly, by being crucified, thrown to dogs, and burned.

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