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I'm not certain why any sane person would believe or even repeat this.

Which may explain why it has been asked.

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Q: Did the US pledge public land as collateral on the national debt?
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Related questions

What is the physical collateral of the national debt?

The physical collateral for the national debt is all public land. National Parks, State Parks, Bureau of Reclamation Lands and Forest Service Lands.

Where is it possible to learn about public debt?

You can learn about the public debt from a variety of locations. This includes looking up data that is supplied by the National Audit Office or by looking at literature from the National Debt Organisation.

What does the concept of secured debt mean in finance?

Secured debt is a debt that is guaranteed by the use of collateral. If the debt is not repaid, the creditor has the right to take the collateral from the borrower.

What US Treasury bureau monitors the investments of national banks?

The Bureau of Public Debt monitors the investments of national banks. The Bureau of Public Debt was founded in 1940 and dissolved in 2012.

What is meant by a pledge?

A pledge is a promise or a agreement to do something. It also can be a payment of debt.

What is a collateral account?

Lying alongside a debt

How big is the Canadian public debt?

The Canadian public debt, which is also called the "national debt" or the "public debt" in Canada. The cost of the debt is constantly changing. You can find up to date information from a Canadian based website called Debtclock (the website will end in a Canadian domain of .ca)

What is hypothecate?

Hypothecation is where a borrower pledges collateral to secure a debt. The borrower retains ownership of the collateral, but is hypothetcally controlled by a creditor that has the right to seize possession if the borrower defaults. A example of this is when someone enters into a mortgage agreement, which the consumer's house becomes collateral until the mortgage loan is paid off.

What is public and national debt?

Public debt is the money owed by any one branch of the government. National debt is the money owed by all the branches of government.

What debt uses collateral against the loan?


Accounting-what is a collateral security?

Lying alongside a debt

Can a creditor sue for unsecured debt?

* An unsecured debt, generally, is a debt that is not backed by collateral. For instance a car loan is secured by the security interest the lender has in the car. A credit card which is not backed by collateral is not secured by collateral therefore it is an unsecured debt. Generally, yes a creditor can sue for unsecured debt, the creditor just doesn't have any interest in the good that formed the basis of the loan.