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No they let it hang free

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Q: Did the cavemen tie up their umbilical cords like people do now?
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Why did cavemen not speak like us?

because they didn't know the meaning of each word. and we memorized almost all the meanings.

What type of humans do scientists believe cavemen were?

There were never any actual "cavemen", its believed our ancestors were nomads until neandertal and sapiens. The first neandertal found in modern day was in a cave, but they lived in structures like houses and huts rather than caves.

Where did cavemen shelter?

Mostly natural shelters, like caves, trees, or outcroppings of rock. (Why do you think they were called "cavemen"?) They may have built simple lean-tos of branches or animal hides, or slept on open ground, covered in hides or furs.

What was society like 3000 years ago?

Society was very different 3000 years ago with minimal development. These was the time when the cavemen existed with hunting and gathering being their main activities.

What is history of food and beverages?

Well the cavemen, back in the days of time, decided that the blue moving liquid was drinkable. That is how beverages came about Food, on the other hand, was very scarce. And so they ate plants like the dinosaurs. So one day the world just changed and Mcdonald's appeared and the trilabites died. People became crazy, so did the cavemen. So people were hungry they needed to find a way to make food. They combined everything they found For all we know, we could be drinking dinosaur saliva in the water back in the days. Hope that helped!! We are done this lesson today Thank you Come again!!

Related questions

How long is an umbilical cord?

Not very long. Probably about one or two inches. All I know is cat umbilical cords look like tissue.

Where can one go to find a little more information about umbilical cords?

If you would like to learn some more facts about umbilical cords a great place to check is the Brewer Diet. I highly recommend it as it has come in handy many times.

What questions to ask a caveman?

I guess like what it is like being a cavemen, do you like being cavemen, Why do they call people your kind cavemen and not cave people, why do people you cavemen, and do you know what soap is, have you ever took a shower, Do you know how to speak proper English, how did you use the restroom back in your ages or time?.

How is an orangutan born?

by the mother and father mating. Then the baby is Born just like a human child is born. Orangutans are also dont have a umbilical cords.

What is the umbilical cords purpose and what passes through it?

Umbilical cord is the life line for the fetus. Fetus gets oxygen and nutrition via umbilical cord. The metabolic waste and the carbon bi oxide is taken away back to the mother via umbilical cord. It is very interesting to know about the fetal circulation in detail.

Is it true that cavemen rode on dinosaurs?

It isn't true people just like to say that.

What do people do in the african savanna?

Play with sticks and Stones ( u know like cavemen )

What do Islamic people live in?

HOUSES. Man, it's not like we're historic cavemen or something!

Do identical twins have the same umbilical cords?

Fraternal twins each have their own umbilical cord, just like they have their own sac. The two of them are just the same as two siblings with the same birth date.

How did Spartans Speak?

Using their vocal cords etc. (like most people)

Why do you speak English in America?

because we're not cavemen (even though SOME people act like it)

Guinea pig has somthing on it's belly like a hole is this normal?

If it is a relatively young guinea pig, it is probably the remains of the umbilical cord. When baby guinea pigs are born, the mothers chew through the umbilical cords and sometimes a small portion of the cord remains. It usually dries up and falls off, but there will always be a little bump (sort of like a human belly button) where the cord used to be.