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Some but not all would leave their husbands and others didn't believe it. :)

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Q: Did the women and children from the upper class evacuate first from the titanic?
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When titanic sank who where rescued first?

First class women and children

How many children from second class died on the titanic?

From Third class women there were 67 people that died. There were 397 men that died. There were 52 children that died on the Titanic.

How many people died from the titanic first class?

AnswerAccording to the British Board of Trade report on the Titanic disaster, there were 325 first class passengers aboard - 175 men, 144 women, and 6 children.AnswerAccording to the First-Class Passenger Guest List on, there were 325 first-class passengers on the Titanic: 175 men, 144 women, and 6 children. Of these, 202 survived: 57 men, 140 women, and 5 children.Answer329

How many children were in the first class on the titanic?

There were 7 children in 1st class. The majority of the children were in 2nd and steerage. Second had 25 children and steerage had 80 children. Six of the 7 children in 1st class lived, all 25 in second, and 25 children out of the 80 in steerage lived.

Who was the first to get out the Titanic?

First class women @children. Elizabeth Walton Allen was the first Titanic survivor to board the Carpathia after this ship responded to the Titanic's SOS call.

How many children were on the Titanic ship?

AnswerOf the 109 children on Titianic, 57 survived.Answer70 children died on the titanic and they were all 1st classanswerIt's possible that some children died when the Titanic sunk. I bet only the first class children survived, some died. Some babies in first class survived and probably all the children- any kind- school age kids, preschool kids, toddlers, babies died with the ship with some men and women and the workers who were still on boardAnswer103 women and 53 children died.AnswerFiftey kids died. Only one in 1st class died.Answerabout 52AnswerOf children fatalities, only 1 child from first class died, while 49 children from steerage died.They had 52 steerage kids that died that were mostly teenagers, adolescents, school aged kids, toddlers and infants. One first class child died on Titanic which was 2 year old Helen Lorraine Allison.39 children from 3rd class died and only one from 1st class did.328 kids 1007gron ups 51anamilsThere were 54 chld deaths on Titanic. One in first-class, none in second-class and 53 in third-class.

What could the children in first class on the titanic do?

nothing there parents had to watch them wherever they go and they had to make sure their safe otherwise someone might take them and have them as their own child/children.

How many first class male passengers survived the titanic?

Per the British Board of Trade report on the Titanic disaster, there were originally 325 first class passengers on board - 175 men, 144 women and 6 children. Of that number, 202 survived - consisting of 57 men, 140 women, and 5 children.

Are the first class passengers come first in the rescue in the tragedy of titanic?

Nope! it was children and women fist!

Did any kids surive the titanic?

Yes. All children of second class survived, 5 of 6 first class children survived and 27 of 79 third class children survived

How were the passengers organized on the titanic?

The passengers on the Titanic were organized in according to class. If somebody bought a first class ticket, that means that they will be bunking in the first class cabins. The people in first class were put in lifeboats first, but only women and children.

How many survivors are there from first class on the titanic?

201 First-Class passengers survived Titanic.