

Did thylacine live in a pack or group?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Did thylacine live in a pack or group?
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Prior to its extinction in the 20th century, the thylacine, or Tasmanian tiger, tended toward being a solitary animal, rather than a pack animal.

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A group of hunting wolves is called a wolf pack. They also live in a pack.

What animal group is the thylacine in?

The thylacine, now extinct, was a mammal. It was a marsupial, or pouched mammal. It was also in the group own as Dasyurids, which refers to the carnivorous marsupials.

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A group of Tigers that live together are called a pack.

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No, most cats are solitary. The only cats that live in a large group (called a PRIDE not a pack (packs are for dogs)) are African Lions.

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Answer 1A group of hounds can be called a mute or a pack. Answer 2A group of hounds is referred to as a pack. Most packs live together in a kennel, although males and females are usually separated.

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A wolf lives in a pack of other wolves usually 8-12 wolves per a pack

How long does Tasmanian tiger live?

The Tasmanian tiger's proper name was the Thylacine. This creature is now extinct. The lifespan of the Thylacine was around 7 years. The longest recorded lifespan of the thylacine was 8 years and 131 days. This was achieved by a thylacine in the London Zoo in 1884.

What does a thylacine do in the life cycle?

The thylacine does nothing now - it has, unfortunately, been hunted to extinction by its only enemy - man. The thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, ws at the top of the food chain, feeding on other live prey.

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A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! I have to agree with the "armadillos rock" but armadillos have no "group name" they're just called "a bunch" or a "pack" ARMADILLOS ARE THE BEST YOUR RIGHT I LOVE ARMADILLOS. And armadillos live in packs.