

Difference between acids and bases

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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It's all about hydrogen ions (H+). Acids release them into an aqueous solution, whereas bases consume them, by releasing hydroxide ions (OH-) which combine with hydrogen ions to form water. That's why acidity is measured by pH, meaning potential Hydrogen.

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In simplest terms, an acid produces hydrogen ions (H+) when mixed with water while a base produces hydroxide ions (OH-).

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How can you visualize the difference between acids and bases?

no but you can tell the difference by taste

How do acids respond to bases?

The reaction between bases and acids is a neutralization reaction.

How do acids differ from basis?

Acids have a pH level below 7 while bases have a pH above 7. The chemical difference between acids and bases in the hydrogen ion concentration[H+]. Acids have a higher concentration of hydrogen ions while bases have a higher hydroxide ion concentration[OH-]

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The reaction between acids and bases is called neutralization.

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Salts are the products of the reactions between acids and bases.

What is the difference between acid an bases?

Acids are acidic as bases a basic. Acids and bases are measured on a scale to 0-14. 0-6 is acidic and 8-1 is basic. 7 is neutral. 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the basic

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Difference between acids bases and neutral substances?

Acids - pH less than 7 Base - pH more than 7 Neutral - pH is 7

What is the reaction between acids and acids?

acids and alkalis have no difference

How does a base differ from an acid?

There's a scale between acids and bases. Acids are in between 0-7 and bases are in between 7-14. 7 is neutral. So basically the difference is that acids are more sour, like for ex; orange juice or lemon is an acid. It stings and its more sour. On the other hand bases are like Soap. Hope it helped u! sorry, im learning about acids and bases too! hope it helps.

What do acids and bases have together?

They reacting with other.Reactions are different to acids and bases.

Do you add acid to bases?

The reactions between acids and bases are very frequent.