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Agonist works with the muscles, and the antagonist is the muscle working against it in a contraction. i.e. Bicep curl, the agonist is the Biceps brachii and the antagonist muscle is the triceps brachii.

The word agonist means "producing an action" - an antagonist opposes that action. In medicine, an agonist binds to a receptor site and causes a response, often imitating the natural body reaction. An antagonist acts against this drug and blocks the response. for examples ramiels small balls and pubic hair

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12y ago

Agonist=a muscle whose active contraction gives movement of part of body. . contraction of agonist is associated in reverse to antagonist. .

antagonist=a muscle whose contraction obstructs/opposes the contraction/movement of the muscle.

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Q: Difference between agonist and antagonist
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