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since this is in the animal abuse category, I'm going to assume your asking about different types of animal abuse.

Different types of abuse-

  • harming or injuring the animal
  • not feeding or watering the animal
  • not providing adaquite shelter for the animal
  • if the animal is injured, not taking the animal to a vet

there are lots more, but this is all i can think of off the top of my head.

hope this helped


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When the owners of the animals are hitting them throwing them across wherever and if they are not feeding the animals and you can see their ribs and also if they have broken bones!

Actually, it is the mostly the same categories as with humans. There is physical abuse like kicking, hitting, or throwing them. There is neglect and disregard such as starving them, letting their leash get tangled up, keeping them out in the sun without shade or water, or chaining them outside in the cold. A few sexually abuse their pets. There are also a few forms of abuse that are mostly specific to animals these days. That would be forced fighting and unethical forms of research.

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Q: What are different types of dog abuse?
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There's no signifigant difference between the two, each is used in certain contexts. "There are dozens of different dog types", versus, "there are various dog types."

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It matters what kind of abuse you commit. There are different types of abuse. If it is really domestic, then close to life.

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Don't ever abuse a dog EVER!!!

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there is no reason to abuse a dog, unless if its attacking you and you have to hurt it, other than that there is no reason.