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The bacterial growth curve is usually exponential in shape just like most of the living organism.

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Discuss the microbial growth curve

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Q: Discuss a bacterial growth curve and phases of bacterial growth?
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Which phases of a typical bacterial growth curve illustrates a log change in cell number. Oviously log or growth phase is logarithmic. Is the death phase a negative log change?


The various growth phases through which most populations go are represented on a (an)?

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The various growth phases through which most population go are represented on a?

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What are the significance of bacterial growth curve in food preservation?

Well bacterial growth curve give simply the time vs no of cell curve which can be consider for different bacteria that at which temprature and pH they can stop growing, which would help in preserving food.

During which phase of the bacterial growth curve does the total number of viable cells decline?

dead phase

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Does the human population growth curve resemble the theoretical growth curve or the realized growth curve?

I think the answer is realized growth because it also includes the effect of environmental resistance and causes it to become S shaped unlike the theoretical growth curve.

What are the phases of logistic growth curve?

There are three phases in a logistic growth curve:1 - Lag phase: the initial stage on which population growth rates are slow as a result of a small population size (occurs when the population is small and is increasing slowly)2- Log phase: The stage in which population growth rates are very rapid (occurs when the population undergoes very rapid growth)3- Stationary phase: The phase in which population growth rates decrease as the population size reaches the carrying capacity and stabilizes (occurs at or close to the carrying capacity of the environment)HOPE THIS HELPS :D

What is the definition of population growth curve?

A growth curve is a chart model showing the growth and evolution of an entity over time. A population growth curve charts the growth of a population over a certain amount of time.

What is monoauxic growth curve?

it is a type of growth curve in which organisms feed only on one substrate