

Do HPV Vaccines hurt

Updated: 12/18/2022
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12y ago

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First of all, its your opinion on if it hurt

To me it didn't hurt but your arm aches a few days afterwards like any other injection you would get.

I had a friend who was terrified of needles when she had the jab and afterwards she asked me why was she so scared of getting the jab in the first place.

So basically there is nothing to be sacred about.

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12y ago

I had my first 1 today and everyone was crying. I realised how stupid I was being when I came out and I only felt the tiniest prick and no stinging!

Don't worry

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Is there ban on hpv vaccines?

There is no ban on HPV vaccines. In fact, in some states girls are required to receive HPV vaccines for school.

Is the immunization hpv an attenuated vaccine?

All HPV vaccines are recombinant. They are not live vaccines.

Is there another form of HPV vaccines other than a shot?

The only HPV vaccines today have been in injectable form. There are no nasal or oral vaccines for HPV as of 2015.

Are there HPV vaccines to prevent against all cervical cancers that may be caused by HPV true are false?

The hpv vaccine does not protect you from all strains of the hpv virus. Check with your doctor on what strains are covered.

How many types of HPV does the vaccine protect against?

Different HPV vaccines protect against different numbers of subtypes. There have been bivalent and tetravalent vaccines on the market to date. A new 9-valent vaccine was just approved in late 2014.

How long is the hpv needle?

The HPV needle is typically a 3/8 or 1/2 inch needle. It is the standard size used for all vaccines in that age group.

Is there a better approach to preventing HPV than vaccines?

Probably not. Most people first contract HPV shortly after starting sexual activity. If nobody had genital-genital contact until they found a single partner, HPV might be eliminated, but this scenario is not likely.

Do injections hurt more than vaccines?

Injections hurt, but vaccines hurt more. The vaccines are putting antibodies into your blood stream, so the pain is your immune system reacting to those antibodies straight away. Injections may be for anything, whether taking out substance or putting substance in. But vaccines definitely hurt much more.Hope this helps!

Can a girl be immune to hpv because she got the partner shots?

The vaccine for HPV does not protect against all types of HPV. It protects against the ones most likely to cause cancer. Some vaccines also protect against the ones most likely to cause genital warts.

Can human papilloma virus or hepatitis lead to cancer?

Both HPV and viral hepatitis can increase the risk of cancer. Luckily, there are vaccines available to lower the risk of HPV related cancer and hepatitis B-related cancer.

Where do they put the papilloma shot?

The HPV vaccine is given as an injection into the muscle of the upper arm. The vaccination consistsof two doses and both injections are needed to ensure your daughter is fully protected against the virus. HPV can and does cause cancers,

What is the structure of HPV?

The shape and structure of hpv has made it possible for the virus to infect the skin and mucus membrane cells and make them multiply abnormally. This in turn leads to the formation of warts and cancer in the long run. There are good preventive measures available now in the form of pap smears ans vaccines against hpv.